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Enabling SNMP Traps for specific events in 9.1

Level 2
I want to turn on SNMP traps for specific events such as Failed backups, but I also want to turn them off for others such as successful backups. I have over 100 servers to do this on so I would like to do this in the registry or some other scriptable way if possible. Any Suggestions?


Level 6

Please refer following technotes.
How to configure Backup Exec 8.6 and 9.x to send a Simple Network Management Protocol trap when a successful backup occurs

How to disable Backup Exec from sending Simple Network Management Protocol traps

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Level 2
I have read both technotes prior to posting this question. They relate to turning on traps for successful jobs, or turning them off entirely. I need to turn them on for Failed jobs, and I need to be able to do this across over 100 servers. I have checked this location in the registry suggested by the first technote after setting one server up by hand, but I did not see anything that looked like a setting for a backup failure trap.

Level 6

This technote is related to turning on the SNMP traps for successful jobs.
As you want to enable it on failed jobs, perform the following steps for for sending SNMP traps for failed jobs

Go to Tools | Configure alert categories
Select the "Job failed in the Aler categories
and select the Send SNMP notifications option

Note: Do not make any registry changes unless it is recommended.

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Deepali Badave

Level 2
I see how this can be done in the GUI of the tool. The issue is that I have over 100 backup servers in the environment and I would like to be able to turn this on in some automated or scripted fashion so that I do not have to go and touch each server. That is why I was asking if there are registry settings that can be made to turn this on. If not in the registry then is there some other scriptable way to do this?

Level 6

We do nt have a script to execute for SNMP traps.

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