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Exchange 2007 Backup Error.

Level 3

Exact Error Message: Backup- \\Servername\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group
V-79-57344-65247 - A failure occurred reading an object.

Exceptions: Backup- \\server-name\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group
WARNING: "\\server-name\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database" is a corrupt file. This file cannot verify.

V-79-57344-34108 - An unexpected error occurred when cleaning up snapshot volumes. Confirm that all snapped volumes are correctly resynchronized with the original volumes.

Server Details: SBS 2008, Exchange 2007 SP2 8.2.0176

Anti Virus: Sophos Small Business Edition

Hardware Details: Intel Xeon 2.27 Processor, 8GB Physical RAM, Page file system managed currently 9GB

Backup Exec Version Details: Backup Exec 2010, Small Business Server Suite, Version 13.0 REV 5204


I have seen several posts regarding disabling Macafee on access scanning.  We do not have Macafee installed and Sophos has an exclusion set for all the exchange paths (D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Mailbox)

The exchange backup seems to work once or twice a week, but the rest of the week it failes with the above errors.

Any help on this appreciated.




Partner    VIP    Accredited


Are you using AOFO with the backup of Exchange, and if so, turn it off and try the backup again.



Level 3

Thanks for the reply Craig

I have disabled AOFO and will monitor over the next few days.

Really apprecaite the speedy response.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Default backup method for Exchange 2007 is snapshot backup (VSS based). It will remain same no matter you seelct AOFO or not. 

Please check event viewer on Exchange server during the time of backup. See if it shows any error during the backup. Based on the error in the event viewer we can investigate the issue further.

Level 3


Thanks for the reply.

There are 6 Errors in the event log relating to exchange during the backup period.  All mentioned below in order.

Event ID 57476

The operating system returned an unusual error while backing up the following file:

 D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Mailbox\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database.edb

 It is possible that this file is incomplete and therefore should not be restored.

Event ID: 403

Instance 1: The physical consistency check successfully validated 3357038 out of 3934960 pages of database '\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy206\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Mailbox\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database.edb'. Because some database pages were either not validated or failed validation, the consistency check has been considered unsuccessful.


Event ID: 401
Instance 1: The physical consistency check has completed, but one or more errors were detected. The consistency check has terminated with error code of -106 (0xffffff96).

Event ID: 9782

Exchange VSS Writer (instance 13fe9a62-4dc0-4133-8fb4-c36facfeb94f:61) has unsuccessfully completed the backup of storage group 'First Storage Group'. No log files have been truncated for this storage group.

Event ID: 2007

Information Store (3368) Shadow copy instance 61 aborted.

Event ID: 34113

Backup Exec Alert: Job Failed
(Server: "MILES-SBS-2K8") (Job: "Exchange Only Daily Backup") Exchange Only Daily Backup -- The job failed with the following error: A failure occurred reading an object.

Again any help on this matter is appreciated.







Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Try the steps suggested in the following technote

The above technote was created for NBU however the steps suggested will apply to all the backup application.

If the abvoe does not help then you may have to check with Microsoft for the reason those errors are generated. 

I also found another thread with this error :

However in this thread the workaround suggested was to create a new database and move all the mailboxes to the new database. Not sure if you would like to try that. Better option will be to check with MS as to what is causing the consistency check to fail.