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Exchange - Blank MSG Attachment - Database or database element is corrupt

Level 3
When there is a blank MSG file attachment on an email, the Exchange Mailbox backup job fails with "Database or database element is corrupt".

Such as, create a new email message, do not type anything or any signatures, and click File, Save As, Outlook Message Format (MSG), give it a file name. Then create a new email message and add this MSG file as an attachment.

Any ideas on why Veritas cannot backup "blank" email messages? If I could attach one here I would.



Level 6

What is the version of Exchange server ?

Is it installed on same server as Backup Exec or its a remote server ?

Can you please mention the whole and exact error message ?

Try stopping Antivirus service during backup and then check the results.

Kindly update.


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Level 3
Thanks for the reply!

Backup Exec is installed locally on our Exchange 2003 Enterprise server, with all updates applied to both.

The exact error message:

Database or database element is corrupt
WARNING: "\\MVULAN-EX1\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\TeacherBox Top of Information StoreDeleted ItemsŒ〰〰〰〰㘷㠵〴㘷ㄳ㥥昹ㄴㅢ戳㘷㐰挷㔷㉤攳㜰〰㜸戶㘹捥㤷㠶㤵㈴㡡捦攰㘶〰ち挶扢〰〰〰㐱扢敢〰〰㝣昱㌰㔳〱㜲〱攴戸扦〵㥢慤摥つ㜶〰〰〰㠰㕦收〰〰FW: My Notebook Entries" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
Database or database element is corrupt

Stopping McAfee GroupShield during the backup does not prevent the "problem", although it does speed up the backup significantly.

Has anyone tried to reproduce the error by having a blank email attachment on an email???

Thanks for any assistance!!!

Level 6

Generally "Database or database element is corrupt" error occurs if the Microsoft Outlook is opened or the computer is shut down.

1. Local system needs to be Switched ON .

2. Microsoft outlook should be Closed before performing backup .

Also refer the following technote:

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