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Exchange Mailbox backup fails due to corrupt email

Not applicable
Our backup fails due to a single email that is reported to be corrupt. When I check the relevant mail boxes and folders the mail can not be found.
The mail is reported as existing in two locations, the users sent mail folder and a copy in the a mailbox called archive in the inbox folder, used for logging all email.
The message in the log file reads
The message hasn't been deleted by our antispam system or Exchange virus scanner according to our logs. Is there any known fix or patch for the above ?
The job fials with final code of 0xa000fe2d - The backup of the item is bad.
Any help would be great, especially if I am just missing the wood for the trees!


Not applicable
I am having the same problem.  So far my research has turned up a few sugestions that remove the email with MS tools like isinteg, edbmv32, or the like.

Level 4
same here job fails when one of the mails are corrupt or acess denied