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Exchange logs not being flushed - can't set checkmark for store

Level 4
My Exchange 2003 transaction logs are not being flushed and the hard drive is filling up.

I have set to do a FULL backup, reset the archive bit. I reviewd and it says that if the "Microsoft Exchange INformation Store" has a slash to clear it and put a check mark. I do that and hit SUBMIT but when I go back in, it is a slash again.

I only have one information store. The data is being backed up properly.

BE10, build 5520.

The selection in text mode shows:
SERVERNAME\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group\*.* /SUBDIR

Should I manually try setting that to SERVERNAME\Microsoft Information Store\*.* /SUBDIR

Level 4
What kind of craziness is that?

I have this same issue and it boils down to the same answer. No AOFO = transaction logs being flushed.

I have used BE for almost the last 10 years and for the whole time their has been OFO it flushed the logs until 10d.

So like 100 other people have asked, is this a bug or what?

Please let us know because if its not a bug then a lot of us (and I mean A LOT) have to now figure in seperate Exchange backup jobs each nightt... That or install non Symantec version of BE.