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IDR Problem With BE V10.0 5520 on SBS 2003 SP1

Not applicable
I have created the bootable CD but when I try a test restore, it gets part way through the setup then throws up this error:

"The following value in the .SIF file used by setup is corrupted or missing:
Value 0 on the line in section with key ""
Setup cannot continue. To quit setup press F3."

I believe this to be related to the OS CD I provided during CD image creation as it includes SP1 integrated.

Are there any workarounds?

In fact, there is a "fix" to get around this error. You have to edit the txtsetup.sif file on the ISO image to include the following lines in the relevant places: = 1,,,,,,_x,39,0,0 = 1,,,,,,_x,,3,3, = 16

But just when you think the problem is resolved, another error appears later. When the installation has moved to the GUI section, the following error appears:

Fatal Error

An error has been encountered that prevents Setup from continuing.

Failed to start RSM service after 30 retries.

I'm sure this is related to the original problem.

Any Ideas?

Level 2
I Have the same problem, it would be nice if Symantec would make some respons to this problem...