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IDR recovery of win 2003 using Backup exec 10d

Level 4
Iam testing IDR recovery of windows 2003 server which is a member if active directory. I have taken the IDR image on floppy, i will be going to burn it on Cd also.

For testing i will move the exsting disk out and try to restore IDR on new disk. I have read Administrators guide and the following article

this admin guide says that we need to first install 2003 then restore. A/C to the web link it says that IDR CD will automatically partition and install. Plz guide


Level 4
Iam waiting for some assistance.


Level 6
Hi Asim,

Please follow the above aritcle for IDR.

Are you restoring a remote machine or the local machine using IDR?

Where are the ASR files stored?

Have you created an ISO image and then updated the .dr and ASR files?

These files need to be updated once you do a full backup of the system. The .dr file contains the partition information ,catalog information as well the the drivers.

After inserting the ISO image the IDR process will start that will load the OS and then recover the whole system after the diskettes are inserted and the restore job is run.

Also what method have you chosen for the restore : Automated,partial or manual?


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