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Ideal Backup Plan - Differential or Full?

Level 3
Have been researching this the past week and at a stand still on what to do.  Currently we are using Backup Exec 10d, and have recently purchased LiveState Recovery (so that we can do the bare metal restore to dissimilar hardware).    
Our current backup schedule:
We currently have approx. 15 servers we backup night.  We do a complete backup for all these servers using two different jobs in Backup Exec.  They take anywhere from 5-8 hours to complete.  The different servers contain DBs (Oracle - critical for our business) as well as common data. 
The job that runs on Friday night is considered our Weekly backups for each job.
We also have a job that run on the last Saturday of the month for our monthly backups. 
We are currently re-working our backup recovery plan and wanted to get some more views on a new backup plan.  Is the full backup nightly an overkill?  Could we just use incremental or differential?   
We will also be pushing out the LiveRecovery Agent to the servers and storing that backup on our NAS, which we would like to backup to tape as well.  We would run the LiveRecovery image backup nightly as well, so that if  a server crashes then we would be able to restore it almost immediatley to another piece of hardware. 
Does Symantec assist anyway with developing a backup plan? We do pay for a support contract.
What is everyone thoughts on this? Any help would be great.

Level 6
As long as the backup window will allow it, I prefer full backups.  If/When it comes time to restore, one restore and you're done
With Diffs, you need two.  The last Full and the last Diff
(Incr are even worse,  You need to restore the last full and every suceeding Incr, in order)

Level 3
Wow, didnt know that about the backups, but I guess that makes sense if you think about it. Thanks for the info Ken.  You mind me asking how you learned so much about BE?  

Level 6
'Cause I've been using it since v6.1?  Smiley Tongue

Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 04-10-200701:40 PM

Level 6
ABOLUTELY agree with Ken - If your time window is good and you have the tape capacity - nothing but FULL every day - you can still think of them as daily/weekly/monthly.
Oh - you haven't mentioned Exchange - if you're using it, I have a few thoughts on backup.

Message Edited by Robert Schmidt on 04-10-200707:42 PM