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Intelligent Diaster Recovery?

Level 4
I have been doing some testing with IDR and have come accross some problems which I hope somebody can offer advice or help with.
1, The first attempt I made was to do an IDR recovery of a remote Windows 2003 server I was unable to do this because I did not know what the network card type was so was unable to supply the required drivers ( I had the same issue with the SCSI drivwers but managed to resolve that one).
I would have assumed that the original CD created especially in the case of a remote server would contain not ony SCSI drivers but also NIC drivers, is there anyway of incorporating this information into the disc that is created? If not then I would seriously doubt the usefulness of IDR as well as the heading Intelligent.
2, In a previous question I posed on the forums I was told that you could use IDR to change the the size of the partitions when recovering from a disk failure, this did not seem to be available to me when I tried this so is it possible?
3, When we are been supplied with servers now (IBM) we do not get the option to have a floppy disc drive and there is no IDE socket available in the server to fit one. This been the case because the IDR CD does not contain SCSI or NIC drivers then there is actually no way to do a recovery with IDR.
Am I missing something in creating the CD's or how I use them that would make it possible to actually use IDR in a recovery situation?
If this sounds like a rant I apologise it is not mean't to be and I would really appreciate help in rectifying these issues if possible, but I am the poor sod who is going to have to go back to all our customers and tell them that the expensive piece of software we sold them does not actually do what it says it does

Level 6
You can do disaster recovery without the IDR option. IDR is just supposed to make it easier.

Level 4
I realise that you do not have to use IDR but that does not answer the questions I posed in the first place i.e. does IDR work?

Message Edited by Anthony Lamb on 05-18-200703:36 AM

Message Edited by Anthony Lamb on 05-18-200703:37 AM