Forum Discussion

Jake_Arrow's avatar
Level 3
18 years ago

Lost in the B2D settings

Hi all,

I hope someone in here can help me out.

I am using the B2D feature but its not working as I was hoping is would.
It probably has to do with a wrong configuration.

Im creating a backup of our Exchange Store every hour to disk.

I have created a seperate media set:
None - Allow Overwrite
Infinite - Allow Append

The B2D folder max. size is 17Gb and allows for 1 backup set

Job property "Device and Media":
Overwrite Media

It keeps creating new "IMGxxxxxx" files.
I wanted it to overwrite after 24 files so I never have more than 24 files.

Im at a loss where to configure this after trying so many options.



6 Replies

  • Jake,

    The GRT backups do not work in the same fashion that other backups work. The IMG folders will use up all the disk space on your drive, until the disk space reserve is met. Only at that point will older IMG folders be overwritten.

    To get what you're looking for, I would suggest making your disk space reserve Size of HDD - (24 times the size of your Exchange Database). 250GB hard Drive - (24 * 8GB Exchange database) would result in a disk space reserve of ~58 GB.

    Let me know if you have any additional questions.
  • Jake

    IMG backups don't work as they should, here you are more info

    I hope it is mended soon

  • Hi,

    Thx for replying.

    This is a shame really that this feature is not working as we had expected.
    I'll run a batch file every day that will delete files older than x time to stop my disks from filling up.
  • read Bradley's response

    it does work, just differently than one would expect after learning to use ADAMM

    Set your Disk reserve and OPP properly, and you should not need manual intervention
  • Bradley,

    The issue here however with your reccomendation is if he puts something else on that 58GB of free space. As soon as the B2D folder cannot reserve 58GB of space it will lock the folder in a "reserve not met" condition, preventing backup jobs to run. I've seen this occur in my setup.

    Instead of using just reserve I'd split that 250GB drive up into partitions and use a smaller reserve (1/2GB). So make a partition for just your Exchange B2D folder.
  • Randy,

    You can do that as well. When the B2D folder gets into the Low Disk space condition, you can manually free up disk space or expire media, and then just Pause/Unpause the folder to get the job to kick off.