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Media Description

Not applicable
For some reason, every time a job completes, it resets the media description for the tapes used in the job to blank.

How do I get around that?

Thank You

Level 6

Can you check if this happening with all the media's.
Since when it is happening ?
What is the exact version of Bakup Exec are you using ?

Kindly update.


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Not applicable
This is happening to us too. We are using 10d version 10.1 Rev. 5629 on Windows 2003 server. We have a robot library with 2 drives so we use 2 tapes every day. When we peform our diff backups both tapes have their descriptions blanked out. Today I noticed each affected tape was in different media sets: "Daily" and "Scratch Media".
Each tape has 2 bar codes - one on the side of the LTO3 which is read as becomes the Media Label and the other we use for the description. I just noticed this today so I do not know if it happened to our full backup tapes over the weekend. I went through and labeled all of the tapes this week since we got a batch of new tapes so I did not notice if the weekend tapes were blanked.

Hope this helps.

Level 6
Hi Chris,

Update us on the issue and revert for any further Query

You can also try repairing BE database and try backups once..

Hope this will help you

Thank you

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