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Media Remove alert

Level 3
I have my backup jobs set to automatically eject the media, which causes a "Please remove the Media" message. In the properties of the "Media Remove" alert, I have it set to respond Yes and clear after 1 minute.

That works fine, but then about 3 minutes later the "Please remove the Media" message comes back, is answered after 1 minute, and the cycle continues. The backup job starts at 11:00 pm and only lasts about 20 minutes, but because of these constant messages the job doesn't get to 100% for about 7 hours.

FWIW -- the heading "User who responded" says ADAMM each time until the final one at about 5:00 am, which has the user name NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. That is the last one, and the job finally reaches 100%.

Is there a way to get the "Media Remove" message to be answered once and be done with it?

This is version 10.0 on Server 2003, with an LTO drive.

Level 3

Any ideas?

Level 6
The best way is to remove "Eject on End" from your job and just eject manually when you go to swap tapes.

Level 6

As suggested by Mr.Ken Putnam uncheck the option "Eject media after backup job complets" and verify the result.

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Deepali Badave

Level 3
Well, I confirmed that not automatically ejecting keeps me from getting those messages.

But I really want to have that auto eject, because I have some servers in field offices with people there doing the tapes for me. And an ejected tape helps to easily confirm the successful backup job.

So.... let's say I keep it on auto-eject. And like I said, I have the alert set to clear after 1 minute. So how do I keep the message from coming back over and over and over?

Level 6

Heres a document that could be of help to you:

How to configure Backup Exec 9.x and 10.x for Windows Servers to respond to alerts automatically

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Level 3
I guess I got rid of it. All I did was change the settings for answering the Media Remove alert -- instead of answering OK after 1 minute, I bumped it up to 10 minutes, and now everything is normal.

Level 2
I have exactly the same problem on version 9.1

All the alerts are responded to by user = ADAMM
and they are repeated every few minutes until 5 am, when the
user = Domain\Administrator automatically responds,
the alert is finally cleared, and the job completes OK.

Curiously an exactly similar system at another client with the same settings completes OK after just one alert. Investigating shows I had set up the BEUtility for the default responses - wonder whether this makes the difference?