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Media Set Problems - Tapes not holding media sets

Level 2
Hi ,
we use backup exec 11d on a windows 2003 server and backup out other servers via remote agents.
we have  4 weeks worth of backup (set A  - Set D)
each set has 5 tapes ( monday - friday) all names A1,A2,A3, B1.B2,B3 etc etc
in backup exec we have 6 media sets ( monday to friday and a weekened media set)
eg media set Monday will have tapes A1,B1,C1,D1,
the problem we are having are these media sets are not sticking and are changing at random times.
i have to go in ever week at least and re accociate the media with the correct media set.
sometimes they are all correct and sometimes they have all changed.
is this a common problem? any solutions tips etc
Thanks in advanced!

Level 6
sounds like you are using a Loader/Library, right?
first thing would be to verify from Tools\Options\Media Management  that the option to "use overwriteable media in target media set before scratch media" is selected rather than "use scratch media   ...."
if that doesn't solve your problem, all that is left would be to partition the slots so that all the Monday tapes are in the same partition, then edit/create a job for Monday pointing to that partition.  Do the same for job on the rest of the week

Level 2
Thanks for the reply
I will give it a go and see how it works.
when you say partition the auto loader do you mean so you set slot 1 for monday slot 2 for tues slot 3 for wed and so on?

Level 6
Basically, yes, but you can put more than one slot in a partition, so if you have Monday tapes in slots 1,2,3,4&5, you can make a partition of all five slots, then create a Monday job that points to the Monday partition.  6-10 for Tuesday, etc
Setting the Global option is a good start, but the only way to guarantee that only Monday tapes are used by Monday jobs is to use partitions