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Rebuild virutal maschine (VMDK) to ESXi Host

Level 3


at the end of my mission i would like to backup some VM's  in a workflow. Sunday to Friday daily incremental and Saturdays a full backup allways on disk and then to tape (D2D2T).

I'm now at a testing time, i begin very easy my goal is to backup and rebuild a VM.
My Job is configured:
Source is the VMware vCenter - Ressource-Login-Data was ok.
Destitation my HDD wich  is an Backup-to-Disk folder.
I copied the data complete,  and at the VMware Point I choise at the first Point Hotadd and at the second SAN. GRT for rebuild single Data is aktive but vor Micrsoft Active Diretory, Micrsoft Exchange and SQL GRT is disabled.
--> sucessfull

Then i delete the VM from the Cluster and would like to rebuild it from my backup.
So i configured an recover Job:
Source was the Backup-to-Disk folder where a B2D0002.bfk datafile is. I only choise the Snapsot copy to rebuild.
The Ressource-Login-Data issn't okey because there is no more VM so it can't login.
The device is mei Backup-to-Disk folder, too.
For the destination i configured nothing because i don't like to reroute the VM.
At the Point VMware i took the Hotadd at first and then the SAN.

After a feew minutes i become an error with the code: 0xe00846a - The Ressource can't rebuild because there is no connection to the Backup Exec Remote Agent for  windows. Check if the correct Remote Agent is installed at the destiation computer.
The error kategorie: Ressource Error

The Vmware Converter is installed but not configured.

What must i do to recover a complete VM? Know anybody why i become this error and have a solution?

Thanks and regards




Employee Accredited Certified

As you are using HOTADD then I guess that meamns your media server is located inside a Virtual Machine.

Unfortunately a Media Server inside a Virtual Machine does not currently support physical tape drive access as such you cannot do D2D2T with a virtual Media Server, you have to use a physical Media Server and then use SAN or NBD Transport, not HOTADD


Now with regards your error condition, what happens if you do the restore from your disk backup using NBD instead of HOTADD?