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Remote Agent Netware on BE 10.d

Not applicable
Does anyone know what this error mean? When I start BESTART on the Netware Server (to run the remote agent) I get the following : Loader cannot find the public symbol NWSMLoadNLM2 for module BKUPEXEC.NLM

Please help

Employee Accredited
What version/sp of NetWare do you have? Also, do you have IP bound to the NIC? If not, this needs to be done as the remote agent for NetWare that 10d uses needs ip.

Level 6

After typing BESTART on a backup server, the Backup Exec NetWare Client loads but the Job Manager fails to load. Attempting to manually load the Job Manager (BEMGR.NLM) results in an error - "Loader cannot find public symbols BuildTCB, DbuildTCB, BEGetMachineType, MemAlloc, MemFree, GetMemBelow16Flag. Load file referenced an undefined public variable." BEMGR.NLM does not load.

After following steps to resolve the problem i.e. deleting Bkupexec.bin, DSREPAIR (see below) and DSTRACE, typing BESTART results in a quick return to the system console prompt. Neither the Backup Exec NetWare Client nor the Job Manager load.

Type BESTOP. It will be noticed that BKUPEXEC.NLM and BEREMOTE.NLM unload. View the BESTART.NCF (located in SYS:SYSTEM) with a text editor. BESTART.NCF has been overwritten to load BKUPEXEC.NLM with a -tr switch causing the server to appear as a remote server. Change the switches to load BKUPEXEC.NLM as follows:

LOAD BKUPEXEC.NLM -tl -aa -dy -tc

NOTE: Load BKUPEXEC.NLM using either the -dy or -dn switch depending on whether the tape drive's controller supports memory above 16 Meg or not.

Exit and save the edited file. Type BESTART at the system console. Both the Backup Exec NetWare Client and the Job Manager load.

This problem has been noticed to happen in conjunction with DSREPAIR failing to load as follows:
Loading module DSREPAIR.NLM ........
DSREPAIR-4.10-045: Could not gain access to Directory Services
Another NLM has already registered with DS
This could be one of DSI, DSMERGE, DSMAINT, or DSBACKER
SERVER-4.11-1553: Module initialization failed.
Module DSREPAIR.NLM NOT loaded

Per Novell's TID 2934425, unload and re-load DS.NLM. DSREPAIR can now be loaded. The problem can be attributed to an outdated DSBACKER.NLM.

Reference the Novell TID for further information.
Novell's TID 2934425

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