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Restore Data on a different tape drive

Level 2
I have backed up data on a Windows-2003-Server with a DDS3-DAT-Drive ("Archive Python" ). This tape can be restored on the same server with the same DDS3-Drive without any problems!

But now, I want to restore this tape on a server with WINDOWS-2000 (SP3), which has a DDS3-DAT-Drive from HP (C1537A) connected. The restore-job starts and data can be restored. But after a while, the tape drive beginns to make noise because of read-errors. The restore-job is continuing, but very slowly (12MB / min). Then the job stopps with a tape alert error "0xa00084ca".

I have tried to backup and restore data on the WIN-2000-Server with the HP-Drive. This has worked without any problems!

Level 3
are both dds dat devices from HP. if not then this could be a problem.

all I know is that a IBM device cannot read from a media which has been used to backup data in a HP device..Message was edited by:

Level 6
Sounds like the heads on one drive or the other are out of alignment.

if you create a tape on the HP Drive, can it be restored from the Archive?

As for the other poster's comments about differing manufacturers not being able to read tapes created on other drive makes, this is generally only a problem when Hardware Compression is used, and in that case, the whole tape would be unreadable.

Level 2
Hello Ken,

I can restore the data only on that drive, on wich I have backed up the data! This works with the "Archive Python" and the "HP" drive.
But I can not restore the data with the HP drive when the backup was made with the "Archive Python" drive!

Level 6
If each drive can only read data created on that drive, that definitly sounds like a head alignment problem. You may need to repair/replace one of the other drive

Unless you can borrow a third drive for testing, I don't have a clue how you would determine which drive is going bad, sorry

Level 6

Does the error "0xa00084ca" still occur or have you arrived at the resolution to this problem? It can be caused due to several reasons: losing power to the tape drive or server, a system or engine service crash, or a tape drive failure. Do write to the forum in case the problem persists. Howevr if we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be assumed answered and archived.


Level 6
Archiving the post as per our previous reply