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Restoring Exchange and SQL data

Level 3

I am trying to restore some old data that has been backed up on DLT tapes and I want to back it up again onto the new Ultrium tapes. These backups have been done on a variety of different versions of backup exec (ranging from possibly low as 8.x to 11d). Also versions of Microsoft Exchange have varied over the years. My main concern is the exchange server data and SQL server data.

I am just looking to restore the data then back it up instantly, I do not want to restore it into an Exchange server or SQL server. However from what I can see you can only restore exchange and SQL data into servers of their type. I am wondering if there is a way that I could just copy the tapes without having to go to all the trouble of restoring and backing it up again. If not is there a possible way to restore the data of the Exchange and SQL servers in just a non-active environment as they are to be backed up instantly to another tape.

Any help would be appreciated, as this is turning into a very lengthy process. Thanks Smiley Happy


Level 6
What I would do is:
  1. Inventory the old tapes
  2. Catalog the old tapes
  3. Duplicate the backup sets on the old tapes to the new tapes

This might take a while, but it would mean you don't need to restore. I don't know how well this would work given that you're duplicating sets from an old version, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.

Level 3

Ok, that sounds great.

Only problem is that 11d has trouble cataloguing a lot of the old tapes. So I down graded to 8.x. I am pretty sure this version does not allow you to run a duplicate job (correct me if I’m wrong). So in order to do this I would need to copy the catalogs from the old version to the new version….Is this possible???

Thanks. Smiley Happy

Level 6
I think you're right that BE8 can't duplicate.
I don't think BE11d will recognise BE8's catalogs either (though I could be wrong). Unless you want to upgrade BE8 -> BE9 -> BE10d -> BE11d!
Instead it might be beneficial to try and get BE11 to read the old tapes. Did you try disabling use of media-based catalogs?

Level 3

Hmmmm, I have moved my DLT mini library to a normal desktop so that I could install BE8 on it and catalog the tapes. So I can’t really test to see if 11d could catalog them when media-based catalog is disabled, as the server has 11d on it but only the Ultrium tape drive is connected to it atm. 

I guess I will just catalog all the tapes and restore what data I can. Then update BE8 to BE9…. etc. Do you know what version of BE the duplicate job was introduced to?? Hopefully I only need to update to 9 or 10d. Also do you know where I can find these updates…. do they still exist!?

Thanks. Smiley Happy

Level 6
Not 100% sure what version duplicate was introduced - I think it was 9.

Level 3
Awesome sauce. Smiley Tongue Thanks for the help, greatly appreciated Smiley Happy