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SQL 2005 Question

Level 4
A SQL 2005 Server was recently added to my network. I have the Remote Agent for SQL 2000. Is there an upgrade to get the Agent for SQL 2005? I am unable to connect to my SQL 2005 database.

The reason I am bringing it up was that when I installed the SQL agent it gave me the SQL Agents for 7 and 2000 with the single serial key that I entered. This would lead me to believe that 2005 should be covered by my existing license.

Level 4
I added the Hotfix but it still won't connect. The exact error message I get says:

An error was encountered while attempting to browse the contents of SQL2L. A network connection to the server could not be established.

I am able to back up the drives and the Shadow Copy Components. The only problem is the SQL server. Any suggestions?

Level 6

Did you reinstall the Remote Agent on the SQL Server after installing the hotfix?

Is SQL in a cluster?


Level 4
Partner Accredited
Just a quick question. I am able to backup SQL 2005 with my SQL2000 license, but do I need to get a SQL2005 license or can I just use my current license ?