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Sharepoint GRT E00084F4 Error

Level 3
According to this technote: I am suppose to backup my sharepoint servers using the "Microsoft Sharepoint Server Farms." If I do this with the GRT option the following things happen:
  1. BEENGINE.EXE crashes
  2. Event ID 34113 "The backup exec job engine system service is not responding" shows up in the application log.
  3. Event ID 58053 "The drive hardware is offline" shows up in the application log.
  4. Sometimes the job shows "recovered" in the job status but the job does not complete and I get the error E00081D9
  5. If it errors out I get the following error:  E00084F4
If I run the backup job without the GRT options selected, everything works fine.

BackupExec Server:
Windows 2003 Server SP2 (32 bit)
Backup Exec 12.5 SP2 (hotfixes 322898, 324947)

Sharepoint Server:
Windows 2003 Server SP2 (32 bit)
WSS 3.0

DB Server
Server 2003 SP2
MSSQL 2005

Any help is appreciated. 



Level 3
This is not isolated to GRT. I tried running the backup without it and it failed again. Additionally, it fails when backing up to disk instead of to tape. I received "Communication Stalled."

Level 6
Does it fail when you select only 1 piece of sharepoint instead of the entire farm in the backup job?

Is the farm an upgrade from a previous version or was the data migrated from another farm to this one?