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Upgrade BE 9.1 to BE 10

Not applicable

A customer of us has purchased an upgrade to BE 10 from the 9.1 version. He also has the SQL and the Exchange agents.

We're wondering what problems we might run into.
Also in what way ( if any) will the current configuration be affected by this upgrade. Do we need to configure the entire system (jobs, etc.) or does it get converted to the new system


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
you can run an inplace update. 10 over 9

All settings / jobs / mediasets / catalogues etc. will remain.
BE 10 will just go on working as the version 9 did.

This is how it works in 98 % of the upgrades.
(incl. Agents - but you have to manually update the Remote agents, AOFOs and oracle or R3 agents on remote machines.)

Of cause you will have to do a backup of your backup server version 9 prior to the update (as all the time when running software updates) This way you can always roll back via restore.

You should run the environment check from BE install before running the real update.

You do not really want us all to list the possible problems that you may or may not run into......
The forum is full of them.
Just stuck to the 98 % of succesfull updates.

it will work



Level 6

We hope the above response answers your queries. If you have any further queries, do revert.

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