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Upgrading to 9.1

Level 3
Hi guys i was having some problems with a Invalid Physical Volume library Argument error i have since fixed this but the steps that were taken were a bit of a problem.

We were running version 9 installed a Sony AIT 2 turbo drive SDX-550V i belive was getting the error above. I was recommend to upgrade to 9.1 which i did however upon rebooting ( i got no errors during the installation of the upgrade) when i got to windows i noticed SQL didn't start. and it refused to start manually i then had to run the 9.1 upgrade again and select the repair option which after the restart repaired MSQL.

My question is, is there something i need to disable before i run this 9.1 upgrade? like sql services or backup exec services etc? I don't want to attempt this upgrade on a Massive hotel resort and i kill sql and they loose there booking and accounting systems.

Please advise

Level 6
Placing the Backupexec stuff in an existing SQL database sounds tempting, but if/when you need to do a disaster recovery, need to get the SQL server up and running and restore the SQL database before you can restore any user data

I've always prefered dedicated Backup Servers (can be a Workstation OS, and doesn't have to be a real high end machine. I ran two DLT7000s on a PII/233 with 198MB of RAM with no problems - NT4 and v8) and MSDEMessage was edited by:
Ken Putnam

Level 3

What is really in the database?? (Sorry, BackUpExec noob here)

I mean, you have the catalog files and the bkf files, so what does it store in the database?

I am perplexed because NetBackup does not use sql for anything.

Thanks in advanced if you have time to explain that to me.


Level 6
All of your job defs, your media set defs, your schedules, if you have partitioned a loader - all your partition defs, the number of installed options and their serials (tho this is also in BESERNUM.XML or .TXT)

basically every thing that BackupExec knows, except the catalogs and job logs

if you use MSDE, BackupExec creates a backup every night called BEDB.BAK that can be used to recover a system

Level 3
Great! Thanks for the great answer. So for a true disaster recovery of your BackUpExec server, you should have the catalogs and the BEDB.BAK?

NetBackUp has a builtin feature to backup the catalogs to tape or disk at intervals you choose. Does BackupExec have anything like this or would it be easier to use NTBackup and dump the files to a secure network share or perhaps some file replication tool?

Thanks again,


Level 6
It's all manual with Backupexec

I guess you could periodically schedule an XCOPY to copy the BEDB.BAK file and catalog directory content to a shared drive, but that's as automated as Backup gets AFAIK

You should also be able to get this stuff off the latest backup. Reinstall, inventory/catgalog/restore the BAK file and the \catalogs dir, delete everything except the U01 files from the \catalogs dir, Use BEUTIL to recover from disk file and restart BackupExec and you should be good to go.

Level 3
Sorry i don't under stand this i haven't had to much errors using this software this one took me 3 days to solve.

What i am asking is sorry for being a n00b but i need to clear this up

Is there something i ican turn off eg a service that prevents sql from dieing after the reboot?

Level 6
Sorry -

Don't have a clue what is going on, but if you have a machine that you can make a dedicated BackupServer,. you can save your existing setup to a disk file using BEUTIL, then import that into a clean install that uses MSDE rather than a SQL instance.

Level 6
Hello Glen,

Could you please Update us on the issue...

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