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Level 3
hi, have recently upgraded from a working 9.1 configuration to 11d and have had issues with getting the database working correctly.
so i clean installed 11d on a different computer but am constantly getting

'V-139-52224-990' the database server name is not specified in registry. failed to load configuration settings.

i got these errors on the 1st server 11d was installed on as well

the install went perfectly with no errors, but in the DLO admin section the server doesn't see that computers do have DLO agents installed and the users computers don't see the server.
i can ping the server and the computers with no problem.

have been through the 'failed to load configuration settings' posts on the forums already but have had no luck

pls help!!!!!!!!!!!

Level 3
is there anyone that could help???
or has no one else come across this problem?

Level 2
You ned to set the database name in your registry

hklm\software\symantec\DLO\3.0\Client\DefaltMediaServer = "Backup Server Name"

These might be wrong too they were on mine.
hklm\software\symantec\DLO\3.0\DB\DBInstance =
hklm\software\symantec\DLO\3.0\DB\DBName =

I'm not sure why this doesn't work if your installing more than 5 i would probably whant to get symantec to help you on this.

Level 6

Kindly refer the following Document:

GENERAL ERROR: Files from a backup selection are not copied to the Local User Data Folder (LUDF), even though it is enabled and revisions appear to be configured at 1 or higher on the VERITAS NetBackup (tm) Desktop Laptop Option (DLO) Server.

Thank You.


Level 3

i followed what michael rogers suggested and now i get a different error message:
unable to connect to media server
failed to load configuration settings
either you are not connected to the network or the server is not responding. DLO needs to be able to contact the server to perform this action.'

the computer is connected to the network and can ping the server and see it in 'my network places'
the server is up and running

any ideas

Level 3
the document that you refer me to won't help me as i can't even get the DLO program up and running to check any settings or selections.

the server shows no computers as having the DLO agent installed so the resolution doesn't work for me as there is no dbcache on the client computer

Level 3

i made a slight mistake in the DBInstance name but now it works


Level 3
Hi Dipesh Mistry ,

I have the exact same problem how did you solve the problem?

Wend I try to intall remote agent in one workstation, the installation stop in (Executing Remote DLO Agent install), if I go to the register in that workstation the Key= DefaultMediaServer is empty if I insert my Server name and then run agent on descktop computer I get a new error (V-139-52224-100 � Unable to connect to media server failed to load configuration settings).


Level 3
hi miguel,

i found that i had to check the registry in the backup exec server at:


to get my details to put into the registry on the client.
after i checked i found that i had the wrong name in the DBInstance. it was set as 'BKUPEXECDLO' when it should be 'BKUPEXEC'.
my DBName is 'BE_DLO'

hope it helps

Level 3
Hi ,

Now my agent work, and yes i was having a problem in register, in workstation register, i don't know how butte wend i install the agent on workstation he don't insert on register the server name.
Then i have check the server register and found that server DBInstance was wrong (BACKUPEXEC_DLO) i change to (BACKUPEXEC) and my agents start to run.

After this i was trying to install a new agent in a new workstation and the same problem ocurr, if i go to the workstation register, the server name is empty, if i fill the server name then all is ok.
Now i will try to fix this problem wend install agent from remote server to auto fill server name then i will post the full solution to help others.


And special tks to "Dipesh Mistry"


Level 4
Wanted to report what I ran in to regarding this problem.
I installed the DLO Agent successfully on 2 laptops, went to the 3rd laptop, installed the DLO Agent, and got the error reported above when attempting to open.
The site Symantec linked me to didn't work at all.
I ended up editing the registry file on the client machine...

Double click on the DefaultMediaServer and type in your server's name.
Worked perfect.