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Warning - There is a potential problem with a drive or the robotic

Level 3
I have a fresh install of Windows 2003, fresh install of BEWIN 10.0 using a brand new Exabyte PacketLoader VXA-2.

At the beginning of my backup jobs, I get:

Backup Exec Alert: Tape Alert Warning
(Job: "Diff Server Backup") Warning - There is a potential problem with a drive or the robotic arm loading cartridges, or an incompatible cartridge.
Robotic Library for Device: EXABYTE 1

But the backup job works fine. Is there a problem? How do I get rid of this warning or should I ignore it?

Level 6
Are you current on firmware and drivers for the SCSI card, the library and the drive?
(and I generally prefer manufacturer drivers to Veritas')

Level 6

In order to isolate the query, please ensure that the drive is listed in the Hardware Compatibility List:


IF the library is supported then install the latest Device drivers from the following technote:

We hope this will help.


Level 3
The device is in the HCL - Exabyte Packetloader VXA-2 1x10. I installed the latest drivers and rebooted and got the same error:

Warning - There is a potential problem with a drive or the robotic arm loading cartridges, or an incompatible cartridge.

But the backup job runs fine.

I am using an Adaptec SCSI card 29320A with the drivers which came in the box. I looked at their website and the latest drivers are "minimally tested". Could this problem really be with the SCSI card?

Level 6
First, ensure that you have installed 'Enable Robotic Library' option while installing Backup Exec. To confirm, start setup program of Backup Exec and reinstall this component.
After confirming the above, please refer to the following guidelines to resolve this issue.
Reconfigure the tape device using following steps.
1. From Backup Exec | Devices Right Click the device/library | Properties | Uncheck "Enable device for backup Exec" Right click and delete the device.
2. From :\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT
3. Run tapeinst.exe
4. Install Veritas tape drivers.

Uninstall the existing device drivers and reinstall the latest Veritas drivers. Run tapeinst.exe to install Veritas driver.
"TAPEINST.EXE" is located in the directory x:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT (TAPEINST.EXE" is an automated installation application for installing tape device drivers )

Title:- VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) 10.0 - Device Driver Installer (20050115) - Includes Tape Driver Release (20041231) and Robotic Library Release (45) (Intel Only)

*Check that you are using the updated SCSI controller card firmware and the updated device firmware.

*The target IDs for an auto-loader and tape drive that are Multi-ID Based should be configured with the target ID for the changer (robotic arm) lower than the target ID for the tape drive, avoiding 0 or 1 as these are generally reserved for boot devices ( i.e. changer = 2, tape = 3). The target LUNs for an auto-loader and tape drive that are Multi-LUN Based should be configured so that the target LUN for the tape drive is lower than the target LUN for the changer ( i.e. tape = 0, changer= 1)

---power-cycle the library and server
---Verify that the autoloader is in "Random" or "SCSI" Mode, not "Sequential" or "Automatic" mode. This can cause library errors in Backup Exec
---Make sure the tape device isn't connected to a RAID controller or sharing a SCSI bus with a hard drive

After performing the above steps, run an inventory and a small job, and let us know the outcome.

To isolate hardware related issue we suggest you to perform a test backup using Windows backup utility "NTBackup"
---Stop and Disable the Backup Exec services (if they're running)
---Run TAPEINST from the Backup Exec installation directory and choose to remove all Veritas drivers, but do not reboot.
---Using Device Manager, uninstall all the tape devices and medium changers To do this, right-click on each device and choose "Uninstall."
---Reboot the server.
---The server should come back up and detect the tape devices and install Microsoft drivers for them. If it doesn't, install the manufacturer's drivers for the device.
---Test Windows Backup to make sure the devices are functioning properly before proceeding. Backup Exec's services should not be started at all, nor should it be involved during this phase
Do let us know the outcome of the above steps performed.

Level 3
I am still getting this error periodically. It also appears that the server is rebooting during the backup. My full backup is failing and when I go to look at the log, the XML file says "unexpected end of input".

I'd like to start with making sure I am running the latest version of BE. I have installed SP1 and HotFix 7. When I run Veritias Update, it lists both SP 1 and HF7 (as if I haven't installed them. is the updater supposed to list only what I haven't installed?

There are a lot of updates. Should I be installing all of them? I am not sure what some of them mean. Is there a technical document that describes how to make sure I have the latest build on my PC?

Level 6

Please install the latest Backup Exec revision 5520.

VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) 10.0 rev. 5520 for Windows Servers Installation Files

However to check the installed updates go to Help > About VERITAS Backup Exec for Windows Servers > Installed Updates. It will mention the installed updates.

We hope this helps.

Additional Information :
For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
I'm having the exact same problem with the same drive and the latest rev of 10d. Is this a known issue or something?

Not applicable
I too am having this problem. SBE 10d on Server 2003, Exabyte VXA-2 1x10 Autoloader. The above steps do not resolve the problem.

Level 2
I am having the same error.
I have tried (without luck) installing the BE 10.0d with all the latest hotfix over windows 2003 server and windows XP professional.
I am using an Exabyte VXA-2 1x10 autoloader, and a SCSI card LSI logic LSIU80LVD-B.
The jobs are completed successfully but sometimes i get that error.
Moreover I cannot open or close the front door through BE (for example when I ask to eject the tape), I always have to do manually with the fron panel commands.

Level 3
I resolved this issue by upgrading firmware on tape drive, robotic library, BIOS, and moving PCI-X SCSI card from 133MHz slot to 100MHz slot. All seems to run now.

Level 2
I see you updated the firmware on 3 devices and changed PCI slots for your SCSI controller. Did you happen to test the backups between each change to see which one actually fixed it?