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Why I like my B2D File sizes to be HUGE!

Level 5
But you tell me, does it make sense? I am not sure what to do, and I think I am missing something.

I have been using a setting of 100gb for each file. Usually, we never have any problems with that. Once in a while, the server 'stalls'. We are using BE on a Dell 745n with 3gb RAM. Perhaps it related to the big files. Any ideas?

I have one drive that is using 4GB file sizes, and ignoring our setting of 100GB. (Not sure why, see my other thread...)

THIS IS WHY I CANNOT stand small B2D file sizes!:

When a job fails, and I need to make a job overwritable, or scratch it - I now have TONS of files that I need to manage. And of course, it is a pain to find out which job is linked to which file. Especially now that we have a 1-Many relationship.

Is there a way to have a column in BE that would just tell me what job created the file!?!?!?!?!? I don't understand why this must be so hard!

Please, any answers....

Does everyone have the problem?

Level 6
Hello Sam,

- Could you tell us your Backup to Disk folder configuration settings?
- Also the Other Post that you refered to here, could you give us a lonk for that.

In the job Log, under device and media Information, it should show you under which .bkf the Job files are saved. It should give you the .bkf number for the corrosponding job.


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Level 4
Hi, I saw that previous thread - and thought - Ahhh! 100Gb files!

Small files are always better - Im sure your virus check may be looking at those at some point - not surprised it stalls.

Cant you create separate B2D folders by partitioning your disk so you get different drive letters - say 5 partitions for days of the week.

Create 5 Backup to disk devices for your rotating backups and have 5 jobs, one for evey day using a different B2D folder.

Actually Im thinking removable disk here as I use these - are you using backup to disk folders instead? Think it would be similar.

Level 6

Please update us on this issue.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 5
Thanks for the input guys. I went down to 20gb, and things are a lot better.

I still wish there was an easier way to tell which media belong to what job...