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Will remote agent work on a 64-bit xeon server or just on itanium?

Level 2

My help topic file says

"The Remote Agent for 64-bit computers has the following limitations:

  • Can be installed only on 64-bit Intel Itanium and Itanium 2 computers running the Windows Server 2003 family or Windows XP 64-bit Edition.
    • Is this just outdated because 64-bit xeon didn't exist at the time it was written?

      we were going to buy a 64bit xeon server but it sounds like we can't use the remote agent to back it up back to the first one?

      veritas backup exec 10.0d SP2

      2 REPLIES 2

      Level 2
      Ok I might have figured it out.
      It looks like there is a patch for the 10d version, so I had to upgrade from 10 to 10d which I did.
      This made the buttons a different shade and instead of a veritas logo on startup I get the symantec.
      (oh god what have I done lol)
      So then I went to put SP3 on the new 10.d version. What a POS
      Kept asking for the remote agent msi file. Didn't matter if I pointed it to it or not in the veritas directory.
      So I restored and opened up the temp 10.d install folder I pulled out of the recycle bin the msi file was also in to take a screen shot and then for some reason it went through and worked for some reason. Guess it like that one.
      Now hopefully I can install the hotfix and it will work with 64-bit. Well see......

      Level 2
      I'm interested in your results.
      I was already running 10d but applied the hotfix for 64-bit just last friday.
      I ran a test backup and it was ridiculous, 5 hrs to do 5g before I caught it and killed it. Throughput reported something miserable like 20m/min.
      This is my first 64-bit OS and I have not had time to get back to looking at this issue yet, but my other 11 servers (none 64-bit) perform more in the 175m/min to 1700m/min.
      The dogs with a lot of files at the pathetic 175m/min are hard enough to live with, I certainly hope something is up with the 64-bit agent and that I don't have 20m/min to look forward to there. It'll take 72 hrs to get a full backup of the one 64-bit device otherwise at the rate it was going.