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inventory/scan differences

Level 4
I'm a little confused on the difference between an inventory and a scan of a robotic library?

Could someone please clarify this for me?

Thank you greatly.

Level 6
The Scan feature is only for libraries which use barcodes. If you do not have barcodes, the scan feature is useless to you. Scans will update the barcode displayed in the UI, under media description.

Level 4
I am using a sony AIT-3 16 tape library which uses barcodes.

I guess I'm confused on why I would need to run an inventory on the tapes that I switch out daily. I have tried to run a scan on the tapes instead (my library does an inventory while it initializes the newly changed tapes), but it doesn't seem to work.

The scan USED to work with BE 9.1, but not so since the upgrade to BE 10 SP1.

I'm wondering if I need to inventory all the tapes at least once before they are able to just be scanned?

FYI. I rotate the tapes on a 4 week schedule.

Level 6
A scan only gets the barcode from the tape, it does not tell BE what is actually on the tape henc eyou need to inventory them any time you change tapes. Inventory allows BE to know what is on the tapes, are they overwritable or appendable, etc.

I don't have a barcode reader so I cannot verify if it is currently working in 10.0. Perhaps someone else will chim in who has a barcode reader.