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Veritas' Roseville WAVE group showcases the company’s Future Women in Leadership program

Level 1

The staff among Roseville's WAVE employee resource group listen to a presentation by members of Veritas' Future Women in Leadership program.The staff among Roseville's WAVE employee resource group listen to a presentation by members of Veritas' Future Women in Leadership program.This spring Veritas launched its latest mentorship program, Future Women in Leadership, or FWIL. The FWIL program is designed to empower Veritas’ female technical talent to pursue leadership roles, encouraging professional development through cross-company networking and challenging technical projects.

Yuwei Wang was selected as the mentee from Veritas’ Roseville office – one of seven mentees from across the globe. I am supporting Yuwei as her dedicated FWIL mentor alongside the broader FWIL team.

In early July, Yuwei and I invited colleagues to a presentation on the FWIL program, providing details on the intention of the program, highlights from its launch, and an update on the state of FWIL projects. With the 2018 FWIL mentees nearing the close of their first quarter, Yuwei was able to offer a clear overview of her technical project, Make It Smart by Machine Learning.

I believe I speak for all involved in the Future Women in Leadership program when I express my excitement for the female-focused effort and evolving technical projects. It is resources like FWIL and the Women at Veritas Empowered group – WAVE – that make #LifeAtVeritas so compelling.
