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Backup oracle using RMAN

Level 3

I am using RMAN to backup to tape : stb., which is a VTL behind it

So is it a must to use Netbackup Client for oracle?

or just install normal Netbackup OS client is ok ?

And Netbackup OS client 7.7.1 support Oracle 12cR2??



Partner    VIP   

The oracle client is included in the Netbackup base agent.

RMAN output from Oracle will tell what "media manger" Oracle uses. Media manger is the interface between Oracle and Netbackup.


so license is required in my case ?

any link to show NBU client 7.7.1 libobk.a64 is support for 12cR2 RMAN ??

Partner    VIP   

That pretty much depend on what license type you are on - eiher per agent or front end capacitty protected. Ask reseller or local Veritas office if you are unsure.

In the GUI go to Help -> License Keys  -> look for "Oracle Extension".

If you have that entry you are ready to go.

You can check database compatibility for 7.7. here:

Click the "download attachments".


back to another question. So RMAN using the library libobk.a from Netbackup client already required a license ?
another question

Is 7.7.1 libobk.a support 12cR2 RMAN ?

Partner    VIP    Accredited


so license is required in my case ? ==> If you have the NBU Enterprise Licence, I dont think so.

any link to show NBU client 7.7.1 libobk.a64 is support for 12cR2 RMAN ??

About support see NetBackup 7.7 – 7.7.x Database and Application Agent Compatibility List, take a look this TN




means Netbackup agent 7.7.3 is required ?

Partner    VIP   

No - the client does not need a license, the Oracle feature is enabled on the master server.

For AIX compatibility using 12C please see the link I provided in my last post. There are diffrent requirements to Netbackup depending on AIX version.


Partner    VIP   



Partner    VIP   

Yes - 7.7.3 is required.

For the "Database and Application Agent Compatibility List"
I assume this is not an other product. it only show the minium version of nbu client to have some extra features when backup Oracle. ?? I am still a bit confuse. 
since my infrastructure team confirm there is no Licence for Oracle on the master server. 

so how can my environment using RMAN backup to stb ??

Partner    VIP   

Correct - the compatibility matrix show the minimum required version.

Do you have more than one backup product in operation ?.

Each backup vendor provides their version of libobka.a , so it could be possible file system backup are made with Netbackup, but Oracle backup to e.g. TSM.

Also have a look at the output from RMAN (the backup tool in Oracle), it will show what backup tool is uses.

no . only netbackup and .when doing restore using RMAN. It shows "Netbackup Veritas for Oracle" is the banner


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

What kind of licensing do you have in place in your environment?

Full Capacity (per TB) or agent-based license?

If you have agent-based licenses, you need to purchase 1 x Standard Client license as well as 1 x Application and Database license (Tier-based).
If you want this client to backup directly to the VTL, you will need to install Media Server software (instead of normal client) and replace Standard Client license with Enterprise Client license (Tier-based).

Please contact your local Veritas reseller for good explanation of licensing options and quotation.

Can we assume that 'stb' means 'sbt_tape' ?
For details of how NetBackup for Oracle agent works, please go through this manual: 
NetBackup for Oracle Administrator's Guide 

yes it is sbt

The list "Database and Application Agent Compatibility List" column "Start from"  7.7.3

Means Netbackup client version 7.7.3 ?
Or Database and Application Agent version 7.7.3 ?


Level 6

Hi Sakurai_tabi,

Nicolai has already explained to you at the beginning of your post that there are not two NetBackup agents, there is only one.  The AIX agent includes Oracle, just as the Windows agent also includes Microsoft SQL.

For your case you need the AIX agent version 7.7.3 as a minimum.  You also need to be running AIX 7.1 or 7.2 for Oracle 12C R2.  With that configuration, you are fully supported.

Hope this helps,


More clear. Thanks
If running the following block. required an lisence for Netbackup for Oracle?
run {
  allocate channel tape1 type 'SBT_TAPE';
  crosscheck archivelog all;
  backup as backupset format 'datafile_%d' database;
  release channel tape1;

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Herwith a repeat from my previous post:

If you have agent-based licenses, you need to purchase 1 x Standard Client license as well as 1 x Application and Database license (Tier-based).

If you want this client to backup directly to the VTL, you will need to install Media Server software (instead of normal client) and replace Standard Client license with Enterprise Client license (Tier-based).

Please contact your local Veritas reseller for good explanation of licensing options and quotation.

Apologies for all the stuff in bold letters, but I really don't know how else to explain it....