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How to duplicated images to anohter appliance and then delete them.

Level 6

Hi guys,

I need to remove one storage shelf and take it to remote appliance, before that I need to duplicate all images to another applinace and them expire or delete those images in order to perform a factory reset.

To duplicate all images I`m using this command:

bpduplicate.exe -dstunit stu_disk_ecbpprnb5 -Bidfile C:\tmp\Bidfiles -set_primary 1

Is this right?

When I run this comand with some images I get this:

INF - Skipping copy 2 of backup id clecbphccc_1516863761, is not required copy 1.

Should I be worried about this?

And the last question is: Once the bpduplicate finishes which commad should I use? I think this:

bpimage -deletecopy 1 -backupid #############

The point is once every images gets duplicated, each image should be deleted.



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

bpduplicate without additional options will by default only duplicate copy 1. You can see that that copy 2 is skipped because it is not 'required copy 1'.

Skipping copy 2 of backup id clecbphccc_1516863761, is not required copy 1

I would firstly test bpduplicate with a couple of image-id's before creating a bid-file. 

And remember to make a copy of bidfile before staring bpduplicate. The problem with bidfiles is that the contents is read 'somewhere' into NetBackup and the file is immediately removed.
This makes it difficult to trace once the duplication has gone active.

The process to duplicate and expire (bpexpdate of image-id and copy number) is risky due to possible human error.

Rather consider the Appliance migrate utility:

Hi Marianne,

My appliances are 5230 and both are version so I guess this "Migration tool" is not available here... if I received a message like "Skipping copy 2 of backup id clecbphccc_1516863761, is not required copy 1" that means I dont have to care about clecbphccc_1516863761 because this image is duplicated somewhere else, am I right?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Best to find out where exactly all the copies of this image exist:

bpimagelist -backupid clecbphccc_1516863761 -L



For example If I find some image on appliance1, appliance2 and in tape but I need to recover some space what command should I use to remove image on appliance 1 only on appliance 1, "bpexpate" o "bpimage -deletecopy 1 -backupid ######"???

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Herewith bpexpdate command reference:

You are looking for this:

bpexpdate -Bidfile filename | -backupid backup_id -d date | 0 | infinity [-client name] [-copy number]