Forum Discussion

MLecocq's avatar
Level 2
16 years ago

SRD with an other PC, NIC problem.

I tried to boot with SRD on another PC to restore on it.

I always get a "Impossible to find network adapter" (translation from french "Impossible d'obtenir des adaptateurs réseau").


I created a new custom SRD  with netwok pilots, It's the same. (CD was created on "original PC" where BESr is installed, with add pilots).


How to do to use NIC on another PC ?





1 Reply

  • Are you using the BESR 8.51 build of the SRD? Have you tried not loading network services when booting, then after choosing the "load a driver,' option from the main menu to load the correct updated VISTA/2008 driver for the NIC then under network utilities choose to load networking services to see if the nic can be seen. You might have the issue where the nic is being detected incorrectly and so the wrong driver is being loaded though the correct driver is on the custom built SRD.