Forum Discussion

arctics2's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

Status 14

Using Netbackup 5230 appliance on 2.5.3   I seem to be getting status 14 errors on a few of our backups.  The backups run for a few hours, then fail at various times.   12/27/2013 12:06:28 - ...
  • Mark_Solutions's avatar
    11 years ago

    The object busy impies your system is under load and struggling - shouldn't actually cause a failure until it hits 500 but getting to 67 is not good.

    So it is worth doing those things but other things that have a real effect on the system - worth just checking through these things:

    1. A system runs best when no more than 80% full - if possible keep it at no more than 75% full

    2. A lag in queue processing will cause issues - run crcontrol --queueinfo to see how big your queue is - if it looks large (the result is in bytes) then keep running --processqueue until it has reduced substantially - this helps keep performance at its best

    3. If you use accelerator then tune the /disk/etc/puredisk/contentrouter.cfg - changing the WorkerThreads value from 64 to 128 (doesnt hurt to do this anyway - needs a service re-start or a reboot to register this change - but dont reboot until you have reduced your queue size if it is large)

    4. Make sure that haven't had any disk failures - a disk failure will reduce performance by 20%

    Check through all of these to optimise your performance