Forum Discussion

danimelocoton's avatar
9 years ago

backup exec software files cryptolocked

Hi all,

Recently we are suffering several intrussions into our systems files and servers. One of the servers was running symantec Backup Exec solution and the copies were been storaged in a RDX disk. We have to restore all documents and several systems files, but Backup Exec software files were cryptolocked too, so, we are not be able to run the resotre backup. Has anybody suffer this kind of issue?. Reinstall software?

Any Help will be greatly appreciated.



  • And just one question more. Is there any other Symantec Tool capable to read and extract bkf files in a Windows-PC?. We have one bkf file not encrypted and no other server, just Symantec Backup Exec 2010 DVD. 

    Please, any help be really greatly appreciated.




  • If the BKF files or IMG folders are encrypted then nothing we can do about those and those contents of those Backup Sets will not be recoverable.

    You do have to install Backup Exec to read a BKF.


    If the  Backup Exec  installation is encrypted (or part encypted) I would try a repair but expect to possibly have to do an uninstall re-install.

    Before doing an uninstall though.

    If you can confirm if the BEDB (either BEDB.BAK or the MDF, LDF pair of fiels) are not encrypted those might be useful so copy them away.

    Similarly if you can confirm if the catalog fiels are encypted those might be handy to be copied as well.


    Note if you are not sure if this server is clean you might want to consider a server rebuild just to be safe.