Forum Discussion

13 years ago

Refining search results with Advanced Search in DA

Hi all. Hopefully there is a way to accomplish what I am trying to do.

I know some results contain "Office" and some results contain "Office Depot". Is there a way to get all the items that contain "Office" EXCEPT those that contain "Office Depot"

I created an advanced search like below, but it doesn't work



SubjectOrContent NOT CONTAINS '"office depot"' 
SubjectOrContent CONTAINS 'office'
When I apply this advanced search, I actually get items that contain "Office Depot". Not only that, it highlights "Office Depot" as if it is mocking me.
  • I just did some testing and it worked as expected.  The rule I built was

    SubjectOrContent NOT CONTAINS '"resource failure"'
    SubjectOrContent CONTAINS 'failure'

    and only failure showed, no "resource failure" mocking me.  wink

    What version of DA and EV?

6 Replies

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  • That is bizarre!  I tried both Advance Search and a Marking Rule and both worked as expected. 

    I would recommend you open a case with Support and let them take a look as I can't reproduce this. 

  • nope


    but I just went and deleted all possible advanced searches


    I then createed a new advanced search, even less complex one.

    SubjectOrContent NOT CONTAINS '"office depot"'


    The sucker returned a bunch of results including a message with "Office Depot" in the subject.


    And it highlighted "Office Depot" to mock me again  :)

  • Thank you for testing.


    Also in my case, the "office depot" match that was Not supposed to be matched got matched and highlighted right in the subject of the message.

  • I just did some testing and it worked as expected.  The rule I built was

    SubjectOrContent NOT CONTAINS '"resource failure"'
    SubjectOrContent CONTAINS 'failure'

    and only failure showed, no "resource failure" mocking me.  wink

    What version of DA and EV?