Edit archived items in Outlook - Possible bug?
I may have found a possible bug in the Enterprise Vault Outlook add-in.
When I open a shortcut and it displays the original Item. I click on "Action" and "Edit Messsage" - Add some lines to the email, click on save and try to close the email I get a popup with the following information:
This item is archived and cannot be edited. To save your changes you must make a copy of the item. Click 'Yes' if you with to save a copy in the inbox folder, or click 'No' to select a different folder.
(same happens when I do not save the edit message and instead try to close it)
When clicking 'Yes' - It saves the edited email in this folder - Thats correct
When clicking 'No' - A new popup appears where I have to select a folder - When I decide not to store the edited email and click 'cancel' it stores the edited item in the folder where I opened the shortcut - Thats incorrect and should not be the case.
Verified this with Outlook 2007 and Outlook Add-In 11.0.1 CHF4 as well as with Outlook 2013.
Attached two screenshots of the popus I get.
Can someone else verfiy this?
Didn't find any other information. Is this a known problem or may it be a problem with Outlook?
Hello all,
Pradeep kindly provided us the following technote for that:
The bug will probably be fixed in a future release. Subscribe to the technote to get updates.