15 years agoLevel 3
Enterprise Vault Cache Unable to reset
Has anybody seen this error before?
- It doesn't matter whether you believe the server is short on memory or not, as each process can only take up a certain amount of memory, for instance you will never see any EV process go over 200mb of memory as that is how much is allocated to each.
Offline Vault in Enterprise Vault 2007 and below was a purely client side application, bringing items in to the cache via download.asp
however Vault Cache is half server side and half client side, so when you do a reset of your Vault Cache, not only will it remove the files from your ev client, but it will then start making requests through the ASPX files on the server which will start preparing the MDC and DB files which get downloaded to the client via BITS
So is restarting the services drastic? not really for the fact that it will only incur 20 seconds at most (in most environments) downtime and will clear mapi profiles and any other memory being consumed by storage and index processes.
Again, the error is memory related, either on the client, but is most likely being reported by the EV server than anything else