Forum Discussion

mstawchansky's avatar
13 years ago

Enterprise Vault continually prompting for credentials

We are on Version:


We had an issue start last week and have been working with Symantec support without much luck. The primary sympton is users will get prompted in Outlook to enter credentials for Enterprise Vault...over and over again. Most times, you have to kill Outlook and disable the Enterprise Vault client to get Outlook in a usable state.

Investigation has found that it is the local vault cache sync that is causing the pop-ups. Apparently certain items in a vault may be causing the client to present anonymous authentication creds to the EV server, which prompts for credentials. Once you supply the credentials, it downloads that item...the problem is - you may have thousands of affected items to sync, hence making your Outlook completely unusable unless you disable local vault cache.

Has anyone seen a similar issue? Thanks in advance -

  • The Vault Cache with the DB's are built serverside and downloaded via BITS to the end users machine but the MetaDataCache file is built on the client side and works kind of like the old OV

20 Replies

  • I have just had this fault and recreating the outlook profile successfully resolved this issue.

  • Thanks be-nugget - unfortunately the issue is organization wide, affecting nearly 1K users at this point. Rebuilding everyone's Outlook profiles isn't going to be an option but it is worth a try as a work around ( though we have been working around by disabling sync to Vault Cache).

  • Ah sorry wasnt aware this was so many users.

    As previously mentioned Trusted sites and Basic Auth are usually other biggies.

  • Welp, back to square one somewhat.


    Resolving the SPN issue for the cluster and trying disabling basic auth ( separately of course) , did not do the trick as yet. I'll update as we have more.

  • Stupid question, but authenticated users have access to the full EV install folder including webapp, right?
  • Are they sure it is the VC sync that presents the continual pop-ups - just a bit wierd as VC does not download archived items one by one (unless you are still using the EV2007 client).

    Has fiddler - - been used to determine if a call is being made to a proxy server maybe or maybe being directed somewhere else before hitting the EV server?

    I take it when VC is disabled and you open and archived item from a shortcut there is no prompt?

  • The Vault Cache with the DB's are built serverside and downloaded via BITS to the end users machine but the MetaDataCache file is built on the client side and works kind of like the old OV
  • Correct, as long as Vault Cache is disabled you are able to access EV archived items fine.


    If you reset a users VC, you can watch it start to sync, it will come up with a prompt - and for each prompt you answer it will sync 1 item. After a batch of 10 or 100, it will go for a bit, then startup again. The IIS and Client logs we pulled have pretty much confirmed it is VC causing the prompts.


    I don't believe Fiddler has been tried by support yet, but none of our users utilize a proxy - the DNS entries for the Enterprise Vault servers point direct to them.

  • You've hit the nail on the head. My guys says they've narrowed it down to the BITS process not sending credentials when it goes to sync...but they haven't figured out why as yet.

  • Symantec said similar thing - they saw BITS service errors in the logs. Do you have any luck resolving this issue? Lucky for me, I am still testing VC and I have 2500 users to enable. We have discovered this issue and been pounding Symantec Tech Support how to resolve this problem. It has been 3 weeks and still no solution.

