Forum Discussion

Auburger's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

EV 10.0.1 - with EMC2 Centerra / Manual archiving don't work or hangs

Hello Forum-Members,

1, Overview about our enviroment:

-Enterprise Vault Server Version 10.0.1 with one EV-Site and 4 EV-Servers 

-4 Vault Stores on 4 EV-Servers running on virtual VMware hosts with Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1 (4 vCores / 16GB vRAM)

-Storage: EMC² Centerra Storage with active C-Clips

-Exchange Enviroment: 8 Mailbox Servers running on Windows Server 2003 SP2 Clusters with Exchange 2003 SP3 

-Outlook 2003 (11.8325.8324) or Outlook 2010 ( on Client Side with EV Client


2, Problemdescription:

The old 2 phyhical EV-Servers which hosted the EV-Site in the past were changed to 4 virtual EV-Servers 

-We enabled the Centerra Collection (C-Clip)  - (was not active in the old enviroment)
-Also we enabled in the "Vault Store Properties" General tab  "Remove safty copies:"  from the old setting "Immediately after archiving" to "After Backup".

These were the main changes during the migration.
Now we have the problem that manual archiving don't work like before. 


It's a very strange behavior because

-sometimes the manual archiving works fine and fast (aprox. under 1 minute till the pending state disappeared to archived state),
-sometimes the pending state of an item takes hours till it is archived and
-sometimes it will spend in the pending 

3, Tested workarounds: (negative results)

- changed the setting  at "Vault Store Properties" General tab  "Remove safty copies:" back to "Immediately after archiving"
- Deleting the Vault Cache on Client side and made an initial synchronize 
- ResetEVClient.exe

If you need any Logs we can provide it in this thread.


Thxs in advance! 




  • ok, lets start with the obvious...

    What is the default scan time that you have set on the partition? By default it is one hour. This is the interval between scans - there is no guarantee that the item will have replicated to the other node in that time, so maybe up to 75 minutes could be expected as normal.

    You can lower the interval to 10-15 minutes but any lower and you will not be using resources efficiently.

    Also, if you are also doing journal archiving or simply have a lot of data replicating around you may also find that the Centera has large replication queues which previously you were ignoring



3 Replies

  • thank you for answering so fast.

    I've checked the settings at the Vault Store Partition  and "Scan partition every"  60 min is currently setted.

    I've made a screenshot of the settings and details page.

    Tomorrow I will change the scan time down to 15 minutes and monitor it.




  • ok, lets start with the obvious...

    What is the default scan time that you have set on the partition? By default it is one hour. This is the interval between scans - there is no guarantee that the item will have replicated to the other node in that time, so maybe up to 75 minutes could be expected as normal.

    You can lower the interval to 10-15 minutes but any lower and you will not be using resources efficiently.

    Also, if you are also doing journal archiving or simply have a lot of data replicating around you may also find that the Centera has large replication queues which previously you were ignoring

