Forum Discussion

r3v0ke's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Fingerprint Database Backup

Hello again, I getting an error saying that my Fingerprint database is not backep up, but it is! Actually the problem is when it checks if the database is backep up or not, the last check was 7 d...
  • steve_ev's avatar
    12 years ago

    Looking at the backup status in your screenshot, it looks like you're backing up the databases and logs on different days (e.g. MailArchiving DB on 16/04, log on 17/04).  This may account for the inconsistencies you're getting in the EV alerts.

    So I'd check your backup job and make sure you backup the database and logs as part of the same backup.  The same goes for SQL maintenance tasks, I have seperate tasks as part of the same job.

    Truncate the logs down manually also to give the backup software a chance to keep the transaction logs down to a decent size.  If the EV databases are on SQL 2008 and later, the easiest way is to change the recovery mode to simple, then run DBCC SHRINFILE against the log file, then set it back to full.  If SQL 2005 and earlier, run a BACKUP LOG WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY, then DBCC SHRINKFILE.

    Hope this helps.