Forum Discussion

woelki's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Indexing service does not start - Event ID 41293

Hello guys,

unfortunately since the weekend our indexing service is not willing to come up. It is failing with event ID 41293.
For sure there are a lot of possible solutions, but none of the troubleshooting digest seem to fit to our case.

We already restarted the service, the server and all further EV servers (3 servers in total, one for FSA, one for indexing, one for mail archiving), but there is no change.


An unexpected error has occurred.

Error Summary: Indexing Service start up error 
Error Details: The exception [rights-execute] was thrown. 
Reference: ServiceBaseEx::Run 
Stack Trace:    at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Runtime.WCF.WCFProxy`1.ReThrowAsTypedFaultExceptionIfAppropriate(FaultException faultEx)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Runtime.WCF.WCFProxy`1.Invoke[TResult](Expression`1 method, String server)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Runtime.WCF.WCFProxy`1.Invoke[TResult](Expression`1 method)
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.Common.IndexingWCFProxy`1.Invoke[TResult](Expression`1 method)
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.IndexingEngine.Index EngineProxy.RepositoryListXml()
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.IndexingEngine.Index EngineIndexingEngine.GetIndexVolumeNames(Boolean filterInvalidNames)
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.Admin.IVMetadataSync.PerformSync(String metadataPath, Boolean isCompleteSync)
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.Admin.IndexingEngineMonitor.PerformIVMetadataSynchronization(IndexAdminService indexAdminservice)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Common.ServiceBaseEx.ContinueOrAbortStartup(Action action)
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.Admin.IndexAdminService.OnPerformStartup(Boolean HotRestart)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Common.ServiceBaseEx.Run() 

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


Does anyone of you got an idea about this?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards,

  • Hey guys, I am sorry that I have not answered earlier. I have fixed the issue right on the day where I created this thread. I started a Dtrace and even when the event ID message looked different, the tracing results looked  very similar to other results here in the forum regarding not starting indexing services.

    I could simply fix it by reinstalling the indexing core engine.

    By the way we had this issue only on one server. We have a single dedicated server for indexing only. I hope this information will help those of you have not fixed this, yet.

    Kind regards,




  • Watching this post as I am getting exactly the same erro message -started as of Tuesday this week
    out set up two servers involved - one is a the database server 0 runnign the sql and the otehr one is the archive server   -

    was previously running all okay

  • I have run a dtrace on the EVindexAdminService - here is a cut and paste of Part of the log

    221 11:29:20.453  [10892] (EVIndexAdminService) <8276> EV~E |Event ID: 41293 An unexpected error has occurred.|Error Summary: Indexing Service start up error |Error Details: The exception [rights-execute] was thrown. |Reference: ServiceBaseEx::Run |Stack Trace:    at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Runtime.WCF.WCFProxy`1.ReThrowAsTypedFaultExceptionIfAppropriate(FaultException faultEx)|   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Runtime.WCF.WCFProxy`1.Invoke[TResult](Expression`1 method, String server)|   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Runtime.WCF.WCFProxy`1.Invoke[TResult](Expression`1 method)|   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.Common.IndexingWCFProxy`1.Invoke[TResult](Expression`1 method)|   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.IndexingEngine.Index EngineProxy.RepositoryListXml()|   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.IndexingEngine.Index EngineIndexingEngine.GetIndexVolumeNames(Boolean filterInvalidNames)|   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.Admin.IVMetadataSync.PerformSync(String metadataPath, Boolean isCompleteSync)|   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.Admin.IndexingEngineMonitor.PerformIVMetadataSynchronization(IndexAdminService indexAdminservice)|   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Common.ServiceBaseEx.ContinueOrAbortStartup(Action action)|   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Indexing.Admin.IndexAdminService.OnPerformStartup(Boolean HotRestart)|   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Common.ServiceBaseEx.Run()
    234 11:29:32.871  [10892] (EVIndexAdminService) <8276> EV~I |Event ID: 41298 The Indexing Service has stopped (

  • could this be the issue - in bold ?


    1748 11:34:38.978  [5936] (EVIndexAdminService) <8612> EV-L {IndexingWCFProxy`1} SOAP FAULT: detail xml = <exception time="47" date="1436956478" id="RIGHTS_EXECUTE" function="vivisimo_load" fid="50" name="rights-execute" stack-trace="//scope/set-var[@name='result']/scope///function[@name='repository-list-xml']/exception[@id='RIGHTS_EXECUTE']" xmlns="urn:/velocity/objects">Could not execute the specified code because it requires the rights <string name="required">admin-user</string>, but the current execution context only has <string name="actual">|</string>.  </exception>


    logged a support call

    received the following advice:

    1) Logon to EV server as Vault Service Account (VSA). 
    2) Open Vault Administration Console (VAC) . 
    3) Expand Enterprise Vault, right click over Directory on EVservername and select Properties. 
    4) Re-enter the password of VSA and click OK. 
    5) Stop the IIS Admin Service and World Wide Web publishing service. 
    6) Rename Repository.xml file from the Enterprise Vault\EVindexing\data\indexmetadata folder to Repository.xml.bak. 
    7) Start the IIS Admin Service and World Wide Web publishing service. 
    8) Restart all Enterprise Vault Services. 


    issue recoccurs - index service stops - same error


  • Hey guys, I am sorry that I have not answered earlier. I have fixed the issue right on the day where I created this thread. I started a Dtrace and even when the event ID message looked different, the tracing results looked  very similar to other results here in the forum regarding not starting indexing services.

    I could simply fix it by reinstalling the indexing core engine.

    By the way we had this issue only on one server. We have a single dedicated server for indexing only. I hope this information will help those of you have not fixed this, yet.

    Kind regards,
