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Mohawk_Marvin's avatar
15 years ago

issue with MSCS

Hi All

I have an issue with Microsoft Clustering and EV8 SP3.

My environment is as follows:
Active/Passive EV FSA server 2 node cluster, and targetting Celerra for the FSA targets.

So on my EV boxes I  need to install the FSA Agent and then run thru the FSA Cluster config to create my cluster resource. Done that and my resource is created.

So now the problem.....

My FSA resource will bring up the 3 services fine, however when choosing to take the FSA resource offline it changes the resource from Online to Offline instantly and looking in the Services console the 3 FSA services (placeholder, collector and blocking) remain running. This impacts me as when I move my group to the passive node I cannot shut down the Admin service (placeholder stays running so directory cant shut down).
Things of note are that my FSA resource does not have any dependencies other than the MSMQ, Data and IIS disks, so no mention of Admin or directory resource, this is odd as I know the placeholder needs these resources. Of course in the event of a total failure (like a reboot) the failover is perfect.

I have removed the agent and resource and reinstalled and recreated the resource still same issue.

There are no errors in eventlogs and a placeholder dtrace contains nothing of value.

Appreciate your thoughts
  • Hi Josh,

    I have a workaround for this issue, but bear in-mind that it may not be suitable for your customer.  Here's what I do;

    1.  On the Dependencies tab of the "<ServerName> Enterprise Vault FSA" resource, include the "Enterprise Vault Directory Service".  This is important when the resource tries to come online (so it doesn't fail).

    2.  Create a batch file (i.e. stopFSAservices.bat) on your c drive with the following line;
    net stop "Enterprise Vault File Placeholder Service"

    3.  Create an event trigger on your EV cluster which responds to an attempted failover (as follows);

    eventtriggers /create /l System /eid 1203 /t INFORMATION /tr TriggerName /ru /rp password /tk "c:\stopFSAservices.bat"

    You will have to do this on both cluster nodes!

    Hope that helps with the issue?


16 Replies

  • OK this may seem like a silly question and I'm sure you have checked this but....are the services set to manual and are the services set to be dependent on the resource disk so when the disk moves they are forced offline and then come on-line on the passive node?
  • - Only "joshing"...Mr BaBa

    If it's any consolation, I installed the FSA agent on my cluster and have the same issue.  If I take the resource offline the services remain started.  However, if I manually stop the services and then use the "Bring Online" option to start them, they start fine.   BTW i'm running 8SP3 on Win2k3 R2 SP2 EV clustered...

    Now, that reminds me, I must get my hair the barbers, hohoho

  • Just tried to do a "Move Group" and like you say, the 3 FSA services remain started (even if set to manual and dependent on physical disks).  Therefore the Admin service can't stop and the cluster resource group remains in a Pending state.  If you manually stop the FSA services (placeholder inparticular) the resource group move completes successfully, but I had to also manually bring the FSA resource online because it had failed!

    Not the most elegant resource failover.  Maybe this one has been missed by the EV QA team...?
  • Hi Josh,

    I have a workaround for this issue, but bear in-mind that it may not be suitable for your customer.  Here's what I do;

    1.  On the Dependencies tab of the "<ServerName> Enterprise Vault FSA" resource, include the "Enterprise Vault Directory Service".  This is important when the resource tries to come online (so it doesn't fail).

    2.  Create a batch file (i.e. stopFSAservices.bat) on your c drive with the following line;
    net stop "Enterprise Vault File Placeholder Service"

    3.  Create an event trigger on your EV cluster which responds to an attempted failover (as follows);

    eventtriggers /create /l System /eid 1203 /t INFORMATION /tr TriggerName /ru /rp password /tk "c:\stopFSAservices.bat"

    You will have to do this on both cluster nodes!

    Hope that helps with the issue?

  • Its not a solution more a workaround and I kind of had something in place to make this work, I was hoping I had missed something but it seems this is a "bug" or feature. Glad that SYMC support now have this.

    Thanks for your time Batman and BZ