Move multiple indexvolumes using "Manage Indexes" "Change location"
Hello community,
a few points to the envorinment of my "issue"
4 EV Server each with one Vault Store
Version EV 10.0.1 / Exchange 2010
I have one customer which has round 9k index volumes located on one EV server. 5k mailboxe archives from vaultstore1 and 3k mailboxes from vaultstore2. All these Indexvolumes are hosted on one server. Is there a smart way to iniate a move indexvolume of these 3k archive to the EVServer02?
These 3k indexes should be moved due to load-balacing reasons.
Within the change location wizard I'm able to search for mailboxes which are on a specific vault store. So far so good.
BUT i can only select ONE archive which i want to move. Why it isn't possible to select multiple archives... i have no idea why engineering put a limit on the number of archives which can be selected in this dialog.
So, the question is: Is there a way to automate this process, or to select multiple archive to change the location?
Many thanks in advance
The process I outlined is for moving the indexes of all archives in a particular vault store irrespective of the index locations. Even if the indexes are spread across multiple drives, when you query for the FolderName and IndexrootPath from tables IndexVolume and IndexRootPathEntry, you get the list of folders with paths for the particular vault store.
Then you can use robocopy or similar tools to copy only those folders from the Query results to the new EV server. Then follow the remaining procedure for updating the IndexRootPathEntry, IndexServiceEntry and StorageServiceEntryID.
I would not suggest the procedure if you are not comfortable with EV SQL databases.
I also think you can further customize the query to indentify the index folders for individual Archive instead of a VaultStore as a whole. I have to check it out in lab whether that is possible, however I can guarantee for all indexes of archives in a particular vault store.
Edit: In the above process, you do not have to copy the index volumes to exact locations on the new servers. If you index is spread across multiple locations, you can copy them to a single location in new server. eg: You current index for that vault store is spread across I:\Index1, I:\Index2, J:\Index1. You have to move them to single location \\newserver\I$\Index1. This makes the update statement simple.