Forum Discussion

psuttill's avatar
Level 4
15 years ago

Not able to "Run Now" archive task on certain users

I have multiple users that I would like to run the archive task on their mailboxes specifically but when I either filter by available mailboxes or by user names the users are not there. They have vaults and archives that they can access and manually archive. In the provisioning reports their status is enabled. Everything looks totally right to me.  There is no events in the logs that would show otherwise.

I also do not think the scheduled runs are hitting these users either anymore actually.

I am running EV 7.5

Thanks for your help
  • Have you moved users around from different Exchange Server?

    Are those users in a provisioning group? 

    I think this has occurred in the past where mailboxes were not provisioned for a couple weeks and they get marked as deleted.

    You could update them in sql. 

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    UPDATE ExchangeMailboxEntry
    SET MbxExchangeState = '0' WHERE MbxExchangeState = '1'

7 Replies

  • How many archive tasks do you have, have you checked them all?

    Can you choose them in you try to do a synch?  Also, when you do the run now are you doing it normal or report?  If normal, do they show in report?
  • I only have onearchive task and I am doing normal not report. I cannot see them in either though.

    I checked in sync and I do not see them in there either.

  • I didnt know you could do that and the only person that works with the system is me , how would i look for this?

  • interesting I went in the database and looked up one of the users i know is a problem user and the MbxExchangeState = 1 which means its deleted (if I read about this correctly) and I can see a huge number of users are like this. Would this be the issue? and what would cause the users to show as deleted?
  • Have you moved users around from different Exchange Server?

    Are those users in a provisioning group? 

    I think this has occurred in the past where mailboxes were not provisioned for a couple weeks and they get marked as deleted.

    You could update them in sql. 

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    UPDATE ExchangeMailboxEntry
    SET MbxExchangeState = '0' WHERE MbxExchangeState = '1'

  • Well that was it! Sweet thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

    As for the boxes getting moved to a new exchange server the answer is no. About 25% of the boxes had a state of 0, that is nuts. They are all in the proper provisioning group also. I would love to get to the bottom of why it happend , but it might just be one of those unanswered issues......