Forum Discussion

Leo_'s avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

Cannot archive using "Run Now" with EV 9

I am using EV 9.0.2 for Exchange 2007. I am having trouble archiving using "Run Now". I used EVPM to set a mailbox to zero day archiving i.e.: archive all email in the mailbox, delete the original and leave no shortcut. I performed the Run Now on this mailbox, the a3 queue showed 1 item. After less than an hour, the a3 queue was empty, so I figured the archive run completed. When I checked the mailbox, all the email was still there. Nothing archived. There are no errors in my apps log or symantec log.

I confimred that my EV service account has the proper permissions. Everything else works fine.

I repeated the Run Now on my mailbox which is set to archive email olderr than 30 days. I have email that is 34 days old, but nothing seems to be archiving.

I've included a dtrace of the original archive run above, but I do not know what to look for.

Any help is greatly appreciated

btw: access to user archvied email is fine and all services and tasks are running. My sql server and my exchange server are up and ok as well.

  • OK the reason is because the \Inbox has already had EVPM run against it

    Folder Policy Settings for [Inbox]|  Filter Type = Using policy set on current folder

    Your EVPM script to set the 0 days is applying it against the Mailbox Root, and it simply places a filter message there and any folders underneath that do not have a filter already applied, will keep going up the folder structure until it finds one

    so for instance lets you have


    If i apply an EVPM script against \Inbox\Folder1\ and then I archive something in \Inbox\Folder1\Folder2
    First thing EV will do is check to see if a filter (EVPM) exists on \Folder2, it will return no, it hasn't, so then it checks the parent folder, and checks for a filter.

    It will keep checking for filters until it gets to the root, if the root (Top Of Information Store) has no filter either, then it will simply take all the default archive settings assigned to it based on the regular EV archiving policies

    In this case though, it will look at \Folder2\ then say no, no filter exists
    it will then go to \Folder1 and say Yes a folder *does* exist, and then use \Folder1's settings

    This also allows for different things such as

    \Inbox <-- set to 30 days via a filter
    \Inbox\Folder1\ <--- set to Do Not Archive

    If EV then looks at \Inbox\Folder1\Folder2 that doesn't have a filter, it will pick up on \Folder1's Do Not Archive Rule and not \Inbox's 30 day rule

    So how this applies to you is you have  Mailbox Root set to 0 days, but you have \Inbox already set to 30 days, so the inbox filter will remain, you will have to zap the mailbox and reapply the EVPM

9 Replies

  • My Ops Manager shows a critical threshold exceeded for Cumulative size of all the log files in the database, could this be the cause of my archive problems? attached a screenshot.

    thank you.

  • OK So it looks like you may just wanna zap the user and start again.

    Also remember when running your EVPM scripts to set the filters, don't forget to add "OverrideArchiveLocks = True"

    As for the dtrace i see the following examples


    EFP - Folder Policy Settings for [Inbox]|  Filter Type = Using policy set on current folder|  Archive Settings Locked = FALSE|  Override Locks = TRUE|  Delete Original = TRUE|  Create Shortcut = TRUE|  Archive unread items = TRUE|  Archiving based on : Age|  Age Based Period 30 Days|  Using quota based size priority|  Minimum Size 1024KB|  Do not archive items younger than 30 Days


    EFP - Folder Policy Settings for [Sent Items]|  Filter Type = Using policy set on current folder|  Archive Settings Locked = FALSE|  Override Locks = TRUE|  Delete Original = TRUE|  Create Shortcut = FALSE|  Archive unread items = TRUE|  Archiving based on : Age|  Age Based Period 0 Days|  Not using Size Priority Settings


    Looking in the DTrace, i see the following

    30 Day Archiving

     Correspondence out
     New-York Historical Society
     Saved Messages
     Suspense file
     Andys Issues and Requests

    0 Day Archiving

    Top of Information Store
    Conversation History
    Deleted Items
    Junk E-mail
    Microsoft at Work
    Sent Items
    Sync Issues
    Local Failures
    Server Failures

  • I attached the INI I used. it looks ok, so why would the Inbox be set to 30 days? It should be set to 0 days. I used this command whicc I beleive is correct to run the script:

    EVPM -e ExchangeServer -m EVSysAccount -f ZERODayArchive.INI

    Upon further review it seems that the problem is with all mailboxes. Not just this one.

    I ran a RUn Now against my mailbox 2 hours ago and the a3 queue still has 1 item and nothing has changed in my mailbox.

    I may have a bigger problem? But there are no errors anywhere.

  • OK the reason is because the \Inbox has already had EVPM run against it

    Folder Policy Settings for [Inbox]|  Filter Type = Using policy set on current folder

    Your EVPM script to set the 0 days is applying it against the Mailbox Root, and it simply places a filter message there and any folders underneath that do not have a filter already applied, will keep going up the folder structure until it finds one

    so for instance lets you have


    If i apply an EVPM script against \Inbox\Folder1\ and then I archive something in \Inbox\Folder1\Folder2
    First thing EV will do is check to see if a filter (EVPM) exists on \Folder2, it will return no, it hasn't, so then it checks the parent folder, and checks for a filter.

    It will keep checking for filters until it gets to the root, if the root (Top Of Information Store) has no filter either, then it will simply take all the default archive settings assigned to it based on the regular EV archiving policies

    In this case though, it will look at \Folder2\ then say no, no filter exists
    it will then go to \Folder1 and say Yes a folder *does* exist, and then use \Folder1's settings

    This also allows for different things such as

    \Inbox <-- set to 30 days via a filter
    \Inbox\Folder1\ <--- set to Do Not Archive

    If EV then looks at \Inbox\Folder1\Folder2 that doesn't have a filter, it will pick up on \Folder1's Do Not Archive Rule and not \Inbox's 30 day rule

    So how this applies to you is you have  Mailbox Root set to 0 days, but you have \Inbox already set to 30 days, so the inbox filter will remain, you will have to zap the mailbox and reapply the EVPM

  • So an EVPM applied to the mailbox root will not replace and EVPM previously applied to a specific folder such as the Inbox?

  • No, if you do not specifically target a folder that contains a filter already, that filter will remain and its rules will remain.

    You need to zap the mailbox and then re run the EVPM script.
    The zap will remove all hidden messages and filters set through EVPM.

    Then when you run EVPM again, just run it as you have been doing, setting the filter on the mailboxroot, and then that will apply to every folder in the mailbox because all of the other filters applied against other folders have been removed

  • So I may need to zap all my mailboxes and then renable them using the Vault Administrator, so that the default mailbox policy can be applied to them.

    How long do you think it will take to zap 2500 mailboxes and then re-enable them again? :)

  • Well, zapped a couple of mailboxes and after re-enabling them using the EVA I was able to successfully archive them. I'm in the process of zapping\re-enableing about 100 large mailboxes to fruther test.

    After running some reports it seems my problems began between June 10th and the15th. During the week of June 6th I offline-defragged my Exchange server databases. Could that process have deleted or corrupted the EV hidden data in the mailboxes?