Forum Discussion

CadenL's avatar
Level 6
4 years ago

Office 365 migration and Mailbox shortcuts


I know I'm perhaps going over old ground but most of my research on this has been fragmented across different threads, technotes and different EV versions so I've not really been able to find a clear answer.

When a customer has been doing mailbox archiving from an on-prem Exchange environment using EV (now on EV14) and are in the process of migrating to O365 what is the user experience with mailbox shortcuts after the migration if nothing is done to export existing archived emails?

I assume the shortcuts remain in the mailbox and will display the shortcut content but double clicking will fail? What are the current options here to change this experience? 

I'm purposely leaving out the option to export all the info out of EV - although that is what I understand most people do.

Can anything at all be done to make the shortcut work? eg publish EV through firewalls, url proxying or reconfiguring the hidden message etc - just thinking out loud and not saying either would be feasible.

Educating the users to use EV search for the archives? The shortcuts would need to also be removed from the mailbox but I think that can be done as part of the O365 work perhaps through some kind of message class filtering.

EV IMAP connector? What would this look like - I think it makes the archive look like a PST file in the users outlook?

Anything else  - perhaps new features in EV14??

Does it make any difference to any of the above if the users are office based or mobile workers?

thanks (as always) and sorry for all the questions :robothappy:

  • Correct, if the Add-in was uninstalled double clicking a shortcut would not work.  If the shortcuts had links in the message body, as Prone2Typos said above does would work because it is the actual URL.

11 Replies

  • We do have some customers who desire to keep the old stuff arround and let it age out instead of migrating it. This is effectively what you are proposing. I would suggest an externally resolvable HTTPS EV URL and to recreate all shortcuts with the URL in the message body. There was a recent thread where people put Archive Explorer and search into the outlook ribbon but that is not a Veritas thing at all AFAIK. These are your best bets. One other idea is Virtual Vault the crap out of stuff. Set huge sizes, buy clients with a ton of space, which will effectively move the archives back to the local machines. That requires a little pre-decomissioning planning.

    • MichelZ's avatar
      Level 6

      Also keep in mind that even if it does work, Enterprise Vault has no way to expire/delete these shortcuts when the mailbox is in Office 365.

  • I would remove shortcuts with either

    1. Policy - Shortcut deletion after 1 days


    2. Delete it from Exchange by removing the messages with messagetype IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.Shortcut

    Do it for every user that moves to Office 365

    deactivate archiving too for this user and grant access to the archived files.

    Sometimes its neccessary to migrate the archive data to o365. Depending on the number of users I would use a migration tool for this, like Transvault or ArchivShuttle or do it manually for very small business customers.

    • CadenL's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi all

      Thanks for all the input - useful and good information.

      Nobody liked the IMAP idea then? - I'm not even sure if that is technically feasible with Office 365??


      • CadenL's avatar
        Level 6

        Hi all

        Sorry - just revisiting this for a brief moment.

        I've found the following technote - not sure why I never saw this before as it seems to have been published 2 years ago and exactly what I was looking for. I found it one of the best technotes on the subject I've seen. In summary it says that shortcuts will continue to work so happy days :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:

        Also there is a way to manually archive items (via virtual vault with manual synch) and also Vault search will seamlessly work.

        Does anyone know anything that may contradict or caveat what Veritas are saying here or can I take everything written here as gospel?

        EV12.4_Migration_to_Office_365_Whitepaper.pdf (

        thanks in advance