Forum Discussion

dihrig's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Orphaned Shortcuts not deleting

We have an orphaned shortcut situation. The customer is not certain why the items in EV are deleted, perhaps due to an infrastructure issue from a year ago, followed by support having them run EVSVR.  But anyways, the items are not in the database, nor are they in the index, and at this point they would just like to clean up the orphaned shortcuts. Their policy up until now did not include deleting orphaned shortcuts. So we configured the policy to delete orphaned shortcuts (did the storage expiry schedule also, and restarted services, sync'd mailbox). The shortcuts in question were not deleted.

Here's the dtrace when opening the shortcut:

79 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CVaultStorePartitionCache::ReadEntry:#135} Successfully read partition info for Vault Store []
80 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CStoreAccessor::CheckVaultStoreStatus} (Exit) Status: [Success]
81 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CStore::LocateSaveset(1)} (Entry)
82 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H {CStore::LocateSaveset(1)}|Selector:201112032887024~201110040142020000~Z~30177FF20612642255CEEC19EB6A7D81
83 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CStore::LocateSaveset(2)} (Entry)
84 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H {CStore::LocateSaveset(2)}|Selector:201112032887024~201110040142020000~Z~30177FF20612642255CEEC19EB6A7D81
85 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CStore::InitializeDBAccess} (Entry)
86 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CStore::InitializeDBAccess} (Exit) Status: [Success]
87 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L CVaultStoreDb::GetConnectionString() connection string: Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=kcp-symevsql-01;Database=EVVSDataCenterVaultStore_3;Trusted_Connection=yes
88 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L CADOContext::CreateConnection entry
89 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L CADOContext::CreateConnection exit. source:Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=kcp-symevsql-01;Database=EVVSDataCenterVaultStore_3;Trusted_Connection=yes hr=Success  (0)
90 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L CADODataAccess::CreateCommand entry
91 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L CADODataAccess::CreateCommand exit. hr=Success  (0)
92 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:M {CStore::LocateSaveset(2)}|Selector:201112032887024~201110040142020000~Z~30177FF20612642255CEEC19EB6A7D81 HRESULT:False (0x1) Found:False
93 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CStore::LocateSaveset(2)} (Exit) Status: [False (0x1)]
94 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:M {CStore::LocateSaveset(1)}|Selector:201112032887024~201110040142020000~Z~30177FF20612642255CEEC19EB6A7D81 HRESULT:False (0x1) Found:False
95 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CStore::LocateSaveset(1)} (Exit) Status: [False (0x1)]
96 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H {CStoreAccessor::LocateItem} (Exit) Status: [The specified Saveset does not exist.      (0xc0041aac)]
97 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CStore::~CStore} (Entry)
98 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CStore::CloseVault} (Entry)
99 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CVault::~CVault} (Entry)
100 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H {CVault::~CVault} (Exit) Status: [Exception occurred.  (0x80020009)]
101 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CExclusiveUseThread::EndExclusiveUse} (Entry)
102 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H {CExclusiveUseThread::EndExclusiveUse} (Exit) Status: [Exception occurred.  (0x80020009)]
103 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H {CStore::CloseVault} (Exit) Status: [Exception occurred.  (0x80020009)]
104 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CStore::CloseIndexerNotifier} (Entry)
105 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H {CStore::CloseIndexerNotifier} (Exit) Status: [Exception occurred.  (0x80020009)]
106 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CStore::CloseDatabase} (Entry)
107 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:M SingletonRegistry: US '0XC2F3B0TransactionContext'
108 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:M SingletonRegistry: US '0XC2F3B01'
109 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:M SingletonRegistry: US '0XC2F3B0'
110 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H {CStore::CloseDatabase} (Exit) Status: [Exception occurred.  (0x80020009)]
111 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H {CStore::~CStore} (Exit) Status: [Exception occurred.  (0x80020009)]
112 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:L {CStorageSession::~CStorageSession} (Entry)
113 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H {CStorageSession::~CStorageSession} (Exit) Status: [Exception occurred.  (0x80020009)]
114 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H CStorageOnline::LoadSaveset _com_error exception. hr=The specified Saveset does not exist.      (0xc0041aac)
115 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H {CStorageOnline::LoadSaveset} (Exit) Status: [The specified Saveset does not exist.      (0xc0041aac)]
116 10:41:27.371  [2464] (StorageOnlineOpns) <5284> EV:H {CStorageOnline::GetOnlineAttachment} (Exit) Status: [The specified Saveset does not exist.      (0xc0041aac)]

Here's the dtrace when processing the shortcut deletion for one of these orphaned shortcuts:

52533 11:06:14.791  [3856] (ArchiveTask) <3688> EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - processing shortcut 'OCTOBER 2011 PHONE LIST', size 3215 bytes
52534 11:06:14.791  [3856] (ArchiveTask) <3688> EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - offline vault user F, shortcutexpiryperiod 0, deleteexpireditems T, orphanedshortcut T
52535 11:06:14.791  [3856] (ArchiveTask) <3688> EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Using default ExpiryDateBasis: Archived Date
52536 11:06:14.791  [3856] (ArchiveTask) <3688> EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Expiry Basis on Retention Category: [INHERIT FROM SITE]
52537 11:06:14.791  [3856] (ArchiveTask) <3688> EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Expiry Basis on Site: [Archive Date]
52538 11:06:14.791  [3856] (ArchiveTask) <3688> EV:M CArchivingAgent::IsAMovedItem - retention category matches [true]
52539 11:06:14.791  [3856] (ArchiveTask) <3688> EV:M CArchivingAgent::IsAMovedItem - archive folder id matches [true]
52540 11:06:14.791  [3856] (ArchiveTask) <3688> EV:M CArchivingAgent::IsAMovedItem - item has moved [false]
52541 11:06:14.791  [3856] (ArchiveTask) <3688> EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - 'OCTOBER 2011 PHONE LIST' has not moved so do checks to see if it is eligible for shortcut deletion
52542 11:06:14.791  [3856] (ArchiveTask) <3688> EV:M CArchivingAgent::ThinOrphanedShortcutCheck()
52543 11:06:14.791  [3856] (ArchiveTask) <3688> EV:L :CArchivingAgent::ProcessChunkOfShortcuts() |The shortcut titled: OCTOBER 2011 PHONE LIST will not be deleted |
52544 11:06:14.791  [3856] (ArchiveTask) <3688> EV:H :ProcessChunkOfShortcuts() |Exiting routine |

Any ideas on why the shortcuts won't delete are welcome.


3 Replies

  • Do you have a screenshot of the Shortcut Deletion tab in the policy?

    What version of EV is this?

  • EV 9.0.2

    Exchange 2007

    Cannot screen shot the policy now, anyways, we set it back to no shortcut deletion after testing multiple times.

    Interesting, there is a slight difference in the dtrace for the other, functioning shortcuts, in bold below.

    387022  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:H      :ProcessChunkOfShortcuts() |Exiting routine |

    387023  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:M     :CArchivingAgent::ProcessChunkOfShortcuts() |Entering routine |

    387024  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:M     CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - processing shortcut 'Help Desk Support', size 5682 bytes

    387025  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:M     CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - offline vault user F, shortcutexpiryperiod 0, deleteexpireditems T, orphanedshortcut T

    387026  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:M     CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Using default ExpiryDateBasis: Archived Date

    387027  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:M     CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Expiry Basis on Retention Category: [INHERIT FROM SITE]

    387028  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:M     CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Expiry Basis on Site: [Archive Date]

    387029  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:M     CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - shortcut status flag has been set on the item with value 3

    387030  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:M     CArchivingAgent::IsAMovedItem - retention category matches [true]

    387031  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:M     CArchivingAgent::IsAMovedItem - archive folder id matches [true]

    387032  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:M     CArchivingAgent::IsAMovedItem - item has moved [false]

    387033  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:M     CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - 'Help Desk Support' has not moved so do checks to see if it is eligible for shortcut deletion

    387034  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:M     CArchivingAgent::ThinOrphanedShortcutCheck()

    387035  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:L       :CArchivingAgent::ProcessChunkOfShortcuts() |The shortcut titled: Help Desk Support will not be deleted |

    387036  11:06:43.746       [3856]  (ArchiveTask)    <3688> EV:H      :ProcessChunkOfShortcuts() |Exiting routine |

    The problem shortcut we were looking at above does not have that line.