Forum Discussion

Faxson's avatar
Level 5
15 years ago

Shrotcut processing in public folders


I have setup 0 day archiving in EV for a public folder.  I can archive and retreive messages ok, but shortcut processing does not work. 

I created a new sub folder and moved some shortcuts into it.  When I run a manuaally shortcut processing task nothing happens.

If I do a Dtrace I can see these entries for the message:

13837    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <2636>    EV:M    CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - processing shortcut 'New Post 4', size 1689 bytes
13838    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <6704>    EV:H    :CArchivingAgent::ProcessAPublicFolder() |Getting a MAPI session from the session pool |
13839    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <2636>    EV:M    CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - offline vault user F, shortcutexpiryperiod 1, deleteexpireditems T, orphanedshortcut T
13840    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <6704>    EV:M    CMAPISession::GetMapiSessionFromPool(AdditionalFlags = 0)
13841    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <2636>    EV:M    CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Using default ExpiryDateBasis: Archived Date
13842    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <6704>    EV:M    CMAPISession::GetMapiSessionFromPool(): Exit status: 0x0
13843    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <2636>    EV:M    CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Expiry Basis on Retention Category: [INHERIT FROM SITE]
13844    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <2636>    EV:M    CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Expiry Basis on Site: [Modified Date]
13845    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <6704>    EV:H    :CArchivingAgent::ProcessAPublicFolder() |Creating the Entry ID of Public Message Store to be opened |
13846    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <2636>    EV:M    CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Overriding ExpiryDateBasis: Calculated Date
13847    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <2484>    EV:L    :CArchivingAgent::PF_SetFilterAndRetention() |Using the filter applied to the current folder job 1 |
13848    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <2636>    EV:M    CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - 'New Post 4' has not moved so do checks to see if it is eligible for shortcut deletion
13849    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <2636>    EV:M    CArchivingAgent::ThinOrphanedShortcutCheck()
13850    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <2484>    EV:L    :CArchivingAgent::PF_SetFilterAndRetention() |The VaultId value applied to the folder job 1 is |
13851    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <6704>    EV:H    :CArchivingAgent::ProcessAPublicFolder() |Opening the Public Message Store |
13852    15:21:59.793     [8292]    (PublicFolderTask)    <2636>    EV:L    :CArchivingAgent::ProcessChunkOfShortcuts() |The shortcut titled: New Post 4 will not be deleted |

Please note the bolded section.  For soem reason it thingks it has not deleted.  There should no be a replication delay as the mailbox database I am on points me to the same PF server as EV is looking at.

I am using EV8 SP1, E2K3 for the PF server and E2K7 for the mailbox server.

Anyone got any ideas?

Many thanks.


  • Shortcut processing for public folders doesn't include moved items.  In other words Moved Item processing is only applicable at this time for items in a Mailbox.

    Hope that helps,

6 Replies

  • Little bit confused here.

    What exactly are you trying to achieve?
    What do you mean by "I created a new sub folder and moved some shortcuts into it"? Why would you do that?

  • Ben.

    As Michael says, what are you actually  trying to check? all I can gleem from this is movement of public folder shortcuts from one place to another. You say you "created a new subfolder and moved shortcuts into it."

    I haven't replicated the line you highlight but I am presuming it is just doing a shortcut deletion check and has found that it doesn't need to so it's moving on.

    Are you querying why the deletion in the original folder did not happen even though you moved the shortcut and didn't copy it. Or are you just querying why the dtrace shows it is checking for deletion.


  • Shortcut processing for public folders doesn't include moved items.  In other words Moved Item processing is only applicable at this time for items in a Mailbox.

    Hope that helps,

  • Rob,

    Thanks for your reply, that seems to answer my question. 

    Now it is time to bang my head against a brick wall.  Why in the name of God would you NOT do the same shortcut processing as you do in mailboxes?  Is there any rational explaniation as to why this decision is made?

    Now I have to explain yet another obsurdidtly to the users.  "Well you can move shortcuts in mailboxes (sort of), but you can;t do exactly the same thign in public folders".

    Nothing personal but this is getting a bit much.


  • Ben,

    I completely understand.

    Why it's not done for public folders, I do not know.

    I've sent myself a mail to ask "why".. and tomorrow I'll ask the Dev's.. and ask if it's every going to be "fixed". 

    Hope that helps,
  • Ben, it wasn't added mostly because of testing effort and complexity.  If it's something that you feel strongly should be in there, it is best to talk to your account manager to get your feelings voiced.

    Hope that helps,