Forum Discussion

GYT's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

There are many archived items in vault store waiting to be indexed - Event 41021

Dear Experts,

I get the critical alert on Enterprise Vault Admin Console informing that there are about 500,000 archived items in vault store waiting to be indexed. This is high number. I have checked the index volumes and don't find any of them contain 'failed' status. I have checked the Eventlog. There is Event 41021 with the same description as the alert reported in the EV Admin Console.  I have already tried select the "Clear Backup Mode from all Index Locations" on the server, reboot the server, ensure that the index service is started and re-run all checkings from the Admin Console. However, the number of archive items waiting to be indexed is not going down.

Please anyone help to advise me where I have to check and what I should do to reduce the number of archived items waiting to be indexed.

FYI, I have run EV 10.0.1 on Domino 8.5.2

Thanks & regards,

Gayoon T.


4 Replies

  • you'll probably want to start with a dtrace of the indexing engine to see what's going on.

    also, what are the hardware specs of your EV server?

  • I am new to EV. Please could you advise me how to use a dtrace of the indexing engine.

    Here is hardware spec of my EV server

    -  Processor: intel Xeon CPU X5670 @ 2.93 GHz 2.67 GHz (2 processors)

    -  RAM: 16.0 GB

    -  System type: 64-bit Operating System.


    Thank you.
