Forum Discussion

stewrogers's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

User wants to see Archive contents in mail folders panel



A user up until recently had his archived PST files viewable in the mail folders pane in Outlook. For some reason they have now vanished and the contents can only be viewed from archive explorer. Is there any way of restoring this ability to view archives in Outlook?


Version is 8.0.3 / Outlook 2002 (tho issue exists in Outlook 2003 as well)

  • If the folder isn't any longer at its place, EV isn't responsible for that because EV doesn't delete folders in Outlook!

    Sometimes one drag-and-drops a folder by mistake to another folder (not just in Outlook...) even withot knowing that this happened. Can you confirm, that this isn't the case? Have a look in some folders beneath the place, where it should be - and don't forget to look into the waste paper basket.

    If the folder is completely gone but the archived elements are still in place (Archive Explorer) you have to restore from backup.

    Maybe your user has the master waste paper basket in Exchange enabled, ask him for that.


15 Replies

  • OK wait, unless i'm completely mistaken, he's just saying the PST's that used to display in the folder pane are gone right? Thats normal if the PST's become disconnected or removed, after all the Mailbox, attached PST's, shared mailboxes, virtual vault etc all get displayed in the left hand pane which also displays mail folders.

  • The user had PST files that were migrated into EV. After that process, they appeared in a folder called archives (created by the PST migration process). This folder has now vanished and the user wants it back.


    On the topic of virtual vault, I took a look and it is an impressive feature which I would like to use. The sticking point however is with the customer and I'm not important enough to push this as an idea...

  • If the folder isn't any longer at its place, EV isn't responsible for that because EV doesn't delete folders in Outlook!

    Sometimes one drag-and-drops a folder by mistake to another folder (not just in Outlook...) even withot knowing that this happened. Can you confirm, that this isn't the case? Have a look in some folders beneath the place, where it should be - and don't forget to look into the waste paper basket.

    If the folder is completely gone but the archived elements are still in place (Archive Explorer) you have to restore from backup.

    Maybe your user has the master waste paper basket in Exchange enabled, ask him for that.


  • Is the folder in the expected place in Archive Explorer?  Depending on the version of EV at the server, EV tracks if the folder exists in the mailbox for Virtual Vault purposes, but you would need their archive id (In VAC, locate the user's archive - properties - advanced) From there you can run something like the following against the Vault Store DB:

    Select ExistsInMbx, IsManaged, Foldername, Folderpath
    FROM ExchangeMbxArchiveFolderView
    WHERE ArchiveVEID = '<ArchiveIDfromVAC>' AND foldername = 'archives'

    This would tell you if EV detect it still in the mailbox (ExistsInMbx = 0 means no)

    hope this helps.

  • On a slight side note, I would HIGHLY reccommend going to the latest SP of EV 8. I have worked with all the service packs through that version and IMHO the only one I can reccomend people use in good faith is SP5. There are several great reasons for this (check the readmefirst and previousupdates files that released with EV 8 SP5 for just a glimpse as to why I would suggest that).


    WIth that said I agree that the issues you are seeing are not related to EV itself. It would almost certianly have to be user intervention that modified the location or deleted the folder itself from Outlook. The best EV will do is to delete the folder within the archive when it is completely empty.


    Hope this helps.

