Forum Discussion

jnardello's avatar
10 years ago

Dumping the list of backupids in an MSDP

Sometimes it's handy knowing what is currently living inside a dedup pool, such as when you're waiting to decom appliance prior to moving it to another domain. It can be a little difficult getting this information out of NetBackup though if your SLPs move the images around to multiple destinations (and other STUs don't move it at all).

So I present a one-liner to list everything on the local MSDP :

myappliancename:~ # /usr/openv/pdde/pdcr/bin/catdbutil --list --status ANY | awk -F'|' '{print $3}'  |awk -F_ '{print $1"_"$2}' | grep "_14" | sort -u


I recommend redirecting into a file to avoid screen spam. Enjoy. =)


1 Reply

  • Or you could just go to the Catalog section of the Admin console and chose your pool in one of the variables and run the query there. Works all the time instead of only on *ix units.