Forum Discussion

lt13624's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Fibre Transport on Appliance 5230

Hi All,

I have a 5230 appliance that has a QLogic 2532 8Gb HBA in slot 4. I am trying to configure FT but when I try I get a failure message. I can see the storage from the Clariion but the ports are firmly locked in initiator mode rather than target.

If they are in slot 4, should they not be automatically targets? Do I need to do anything to chaneg them?

I have looked at this document and it indicated to me that the only FT ports allowed on 5230 are FC port 1 of slots 5 or 6. Is this true? Does someone have a diagram or doc as an example?

  • If you have a 5230 and it only has one HBA then it is a B or C model:

    B model:

    FT Ports_B.jpg

    C Model:

    FT Ports C.jpg

    If that is the case then it does not support FT even if you moved the card (which would not be supported so please dont do it!)

    The only option is to ask your Symantec reseller if there is an upgrade available to take you B or C to be a D or E Model

    I dont have access to that info at the moment - but currently you cannot do FT with the model you have

  • Also, how can I tell if my appliance is and A, B, C, D or E model?

  • A 5230 comes with all ports in initiator mode as standard so that they can be used for Tape / VMware

    To change them to target mode you need to enable FT on the appliance - this will then change the port modes

    From the CLISH:

    Setting > FibreTransport SANClient Enable

    Only 2 ports can be used - they are show as green here:

    FT Ports.jpg

    Hope this helps

    #edit# in terms of the model the one above is a D, the E has another 2 fibre ports in place of the 10g network cars top left - any other model does not have FT available

  • Hi Mark,

    As always, a very helpful answer. I have tried to enable SANClient via the CLISH but it failed. I assume this has happened due to the fact that I do not have the my SAN ports connected to the green ports, except, I have them in the blue ports. 

    I guess my action plan is to move my HBA to the right slots and then the fibre cables to the right ports. Trouble is, I only have one dual port HBA and this is in the wrong slot :(

    Do Symatec have to come and move cards?


  • If you have a 5230 and it only has one HBA then it is a B or C model:

    B model:

    FT Ports_B.jpg

    C Model:

    FT Ports C.jpg

    If that is the case then it does not support FT even if you moved the card (which would not be supported so please dont do it!)

    The only option is to ask your Symantec reseller if there is an upgrade available to take you B or C to be a D or E Model

    I dont have access to that info at the moment - but currently you cannot do FT with the model you have

  • Hi Mark,

    Oh dear. I think we have the B model :(

    Looks like a call to our sales rep.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Sorry to be the bearer of bad news - how about just using accelerator to do the backup and save the cost? (or is it an application backup?)

  • We were going to use FT to connect directly to the Clariion storage which hosts the ESX storage and backup VMWare over the SAN. I guess we can still backup VMWare using VADP but it will have to be over the network. Some of the VMWare hosts did have SQL and Exchange on them.

    I like the look of Accelareator. Can I enable it with VADP VMware backups. Is it a checkbox somewhere.

  • great link on Accelerator


  • If you are just using the mapping for VMware backups then you do not use "Fibre Transport" - that is a special term reserved for specific operations between appliances or from SAN Clients - and a VMware backup is not one of them - the ports should be in normal intitator mode (yours will be as you have a B model) and then just zone in the volumes

    Do note however that it is the volumes that need mapping and not just the datastores - hope that makes sense ... but the Appliance needs to see every volume (generally 2TB volumes) to be able to work

    Manage - Storage - Scan will re-read the fibre ports on the appliance  and a Show lets you see if you can then see the volumes or not

    If you cannot see them then something in your zoning and host mappings is wrong and needs to be corrected - but for VMware backups your Appliance is fine - just dont use the same fibre port to do VMware and Tape out


  • It should be noted that Symantec as yet does not support dual path to a volume for VM backups. So you will use one port for the VM backup and the other for tape out.